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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Boooo :D. New mixpod, skin :D. Not really satisfied with the skin.The font ish like super small.But i think u guys can see it right.Not BLIND?Lols.Joking:D.Today had MT paper 1 and 2. Its like , all the papers so EASYH! :D.Maybe i think so.Hmmmm.But mom's friend said the maths hard.I find it kinda easy.Especially the 5 marks questions.Hmmm.PSLE is coming to an end. 2 more papers to go. 4 more days.Finally, 50% of suffering is over.Luckily today is Friday, if not im gona die.Lols.I wonder,wonder,wonder! Next monday, the school, will be like, everyone just released from JAIL! Lols :D. Cant waitwait, to go outoutout with every single one of my friend.LOL.Okae, gtg revise science :) Bye

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