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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday- 291010.

Hmmm,went JP for show with Danielle,Yvette,Nichelle.Had fun.Watched 'You Again'.Hahas.Kinda nice movie.XD.Comedy.Den went home at like almost 8.XD.755.My first time,HAHAS.Den nothing much,facebook.Boring night.

Sat - 301010 .

Another busy day!Went lots of places.Afternoon went to Tiong Bahru Plaza with sis. Ate e18ghteen chef with sis. The last last time we eat was like give so less niaa.Den now so many.We eat like left so many den throw . Ahaaa.Cous gona explode, yeah,our stomacheee.XD.Den went arcade,so funnn.Play someting like catch fishhie..Spended like $37 on arcade and $30 on food.So its like $67,partially all wasted,MUHAHA.Den came home at 7.30,mom oso home from extra work le . Den we went JP together.Bought clothes and things for GTP.Hmmm,hiphop its like act gangster rightt.LOL.XD.Den buybuybuy,walkwalk,like 11pm,den headed home.Den bath,tv,facebook.Now typing this.Heheeee.Okie , gtg. Niteyy!(:

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