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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halo.Went lot 1.Went there to eat.Ate at sakae sushi.Hmmm,i bought a beachball for tuesday, maybe playing at th pasir beach thingy.XD.I know very childish,hahas.But really nothing to play alr.No badminton,no playing sands.Heehee,we maybe play beachball or rent bikes.XD.Bahaha.Cant wait for tuesday and GTP!:D.Woohoo.So much events coming up.And tmr gona knoe who shortlisted for the science fiesta!I knoe, we wont be shortlisted,roarrr.Saddening.DD:.Hmm,nbm.At least we donid do, can slackslack,HAHA.XD Lols.I cant wait for tmr!There will be games for us, str8 after pledge taking in the morning!Yayyyyys!XD.Ommmg,School just rock aft PSLE!=D.Okiie , gtg!Nitey!

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