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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Booo ! Second day of PSLE :D Enjoyed it. LOL. Yesterday's english was quite english. Hmmmm.Den maths still okay.But got confident can get 30+/60 for Paper 2 :D.Hopefully, can pass.Duh.LOL. Tomorrow is chinese paper :D. Currently revising.Workin super hard. Just to get 220 , maybe grade A A C B or whatever, can get in ;DDD. Hope so . ): Mr Tan said No D can get into Express, HAH . Hope so uh. Just wanna go unity :)).Choosing sec school is still long way ahead, focus on PSLE :D. Good luck for tomorrow's MT paper everyone ! :D . For me, 3 more papers to go ^_^ After tues can plae. Woooootz~Okae, gtg.Maybe wont update tomorow~ Buhbye~

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