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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Heyyy.:D.Fun day..Woke up at 11pm.Bath,eat.Den facebook awhile.Den 1.35pm, went down block wait for Hazirahh,:D.Den waitwait, until 2PM, HAZIRAH HAS NOT APPEARED.Wthheck.Den bored,went up.Danielle called me,den went YewTee to find dem^^..Saw Lee Kuan Yew(iLee) & Hadijah at NTUC.Den Haz went in,talktalktalk!Bought KFC with Danielle while Haz buy LJS ..Den went to Danielle's house =D.Watched movie,while eating. =D.Den Lee Kuan Yew n Hadijah came.Continue watching,den boring.Playplay.Pillow fight with iLee.We were laughing like hell,LOL.Tired of LAUGHING!Used up all my energy!Roarr!Den arnd 5+ went out walk :D.Had and Lee went home first.Den Haz and Danielle n me, went to Stagmont. Saw Mrs Chin, she dont recognize us =P.Den wnt to play grnd near 754..Hmm,chit-chat.Play UNO,take pic. HAHA :D.Den 6pm+ lerh..Haz went home . Danielle and me oso home .Walkwalk,chit-chat :D.Den home lor.Bath,eating dinner.=D.Kk,byebye~

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