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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

shit feelings.

Hello today was pretty fine. woke at 10 plus then prepared and headed to yewtee at 1.30 to meet tricia. Then headed off to May's house to meet VK also. Then slacked at the void deck for awhile cuz jer they all going wm collect things. Then aft that headed up May's hse to play cards. Then at arnd 3, head over to yt to buy cards for jer and then bought gongcha and headed off to jer's house. Played till arnd 5, then had so much jokes :D So was laughing until tears almost came out! :) Hahahah, okay anyway tmw them guys will be coming mah hse at 1, hahahah. just reached home from aunt's house cos we were playing cards and guess whut I think i've lost some $$. Oh so thats all for today.
It really sucks how after everything and he's still the one i want... No matter how many days we dont talk, how long we didnt get to see each other. But honestly in my heart i know that he'll only like her, but why cant i just forget him? Can my heart just listen to my mind for onces? Its really heartbreaking to see that she doesnt like him yet he doesnt give up and still chase after her. And all she gives him was just pure disappointment. :/ Hais. Shall end here ok. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

so its all your lies...

Hello, so im gna spend the rest of my newyear in school. alright schl was per normal though. Excited for only English lesson. Alright so today same thing headed to school with them and so during MT I was tortured so fucken badly by may and minhui. Hand was twisted, bra strap was pulled(LOL), hand was pinched/drawn by them. Grrrrr. Was feeling kinda pissed but still we laughed like nobody's business and I've tried acting fierce but failed HAHAHAH. oh so after school chionged to Westmall with Evan to watch "Journey 2". It was pretty awesome though I almost fell asleep due to being too tired hahaha, ok then headed to sogurt for holy yogurt. So headed home at around 3plus. Hmm so this coming Sunday, em' guys will be coming my hse for 拜年 ahhhh, basically we'll order pizza I guess, cos dad said that steamboat's abit too ltroublesome. :D hehhehe alright so shall end here rightnow bye!

Monday, January 23, 2012

why do guys go for looks?

Hello! :D Today was the first day of CNY. It's called 年初一 :p. So woke up kinda early and then watched random tv shows, basically doraemon(lol) HAHAHAHA. Then around 12 plus headed to bath then head over to father's side, eldest uncle's house. :b so reached there around 3 plus cos its at tampines, then bonded for awhile then headed off at around 4 plus. Wanted to go off to another aunt's house but guess theyre overseas. So went over to pasir panjang there :> Hehhehe. Then waited for dinner for like super longgggg. After that around 8 plus played blackjack with them guise till 10 plus. Won around $40++. Hehehe. Then now having some h2h talk with some kors. Oh so tmrw aunt will be coming our house. Hehehe ok ciaos :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

happy ending. =")

helloooooooo. its cny eve today and my parents are super duper busy packing the house there yet you see im so filial here using comp. ahahhaa. ok la so anyw ytd went lot and sunplaza for our last minute shopping with mom, then headed back to yewtee. saw jer at gongcha, then rabbit at wetmarket, and jody inside a car. too coincidence liao! :3 heh soooo today at least i did something to help them, then having steamboat later with family :) oh so wheres my angbao people?! geez. hmm sudddenly thought of ms lee, wonder how's she rn. recovering? still the same? getting worst? hope not. hope she's recovering rlly fast! :) oh so tmw gg dad's side de uncle hse in the aftrnoon, then night going mom's side de aunt's house. okai la chaos!

Friday, January 20, 2012

when i see your face..

hello guise! so as usual headed to school, oh so ms lee didn't come today again, as what I've heard from sameer, he said she needs to take injection to take her medicine or something and she's super sick! I'm like literally so worried for her. So I texted her ytd night wishing her a speedy recovery and getting her reply back this morning, felt more relieved :') oh so anyway today had maths test, so I didn't know how to do some
questions so I scribbled down there. Heh! Then had recess and then CNY concert till 12, then dismissal ^~^ woooo no MT! Then headed to soghurt with Evan and tricia, slacked till around 1plus then homed. Gahhh last but not least just hope that ms lee will recover really soon! Before CNY! :( Alright byeeeeee

Monday, January 16, 2012

drop everything now.

supppp so didnt attend school today. Was still having slight fever and mom doesnt allow me to go too :3. So woke at 10plus, then rotted around and headed to meet Evan and VanessaTan at BB at 2 plus. So they had their lunch at mac, then headed down to cine at 3. Reached there around 4plus so went to bought out bagguuu bag, hmmm they'all bought daypack while i bought duckpack and the saddest thing is that there's no holy red. ): So bought black, hehe not bad ah. Ok then headed to scape there to get our gongcha, then went up to rooftop to chat/slack. The weather's hot like balls and nobody's dancing there. :(. Hmmm btw tmr will be training on our 2.4 early in the morning! First period, haaaaais. Oh and then having supp tmw aft schl. Zzzzzzz. Ok shall end here alright bye :)

Friday, January 13, 2012


its friday the 13th, marks the last day of week 2 too. Time passes so fast nowadays.... Anyway, was feeling so unwanted nowadays, things are all happening to me and its like i hate it when i speak and nobody's listening. Just feel like going off to another place and never coming back... hmmm, so today was dismissed early at 1045, so headed to sogurt with jody, regin and tricia. ate sogurt and started to do homework, then at around 12 plus regin & jody left to meet yz. so left me and tricia, done our hw then slacked at wm till arnd 2 then home. 
anyway girl, can i tell you something ? I dont want to mention names out but yeah, please laaa dont make so many enemies can anot. like seriously, kept on gossiping about people and judging them by their looks, attitude and what th hell seriously you dont even know them then you started judging..... 
anyway, shall just end here alright kbye. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


hello. i guess this is gona be a long post alright. lets start with yesterday. was feeling super down yesterday night for some particular reason, dont wanna say it out as its over, then let it be... so today went to science centre for the learning trail, so it was a super fucked up one actually .... i dont wanna say it out here as i might offend some people or smth, but its like im the middle person for like everything.. its like i wanna be with evan, but i dont wanna let minhui be alone... i wanna go with 6eys but i also cant abandon awesomes... i cant make the desicion, onces i make a move, everything will be screwed. Problems here and there, why cant everything just be alright? And oh ya im so fucking stressed up. I guess my mother tongue standard have dropped.. its like mr yang isnt even teaching the textbook things, he's like talking about crap of his hometown and whatever... and also maths, i dont even know some things and its like so confusing and fucked up... hais. can everything just end here right now ? I thought 2012 would be a good one, but guess what. Everything's so screwed, so fucked up. Nothing's going right, everything isnt what i wanted it to be... Can i like just be dead or something? :/ Hais, shall just end here alright, anyway tmr's school ending at 1045, so its another problem again.. I wanna go slack with tricia, but also vk, but ...... ARGH just fuck life pls. ASDFGHJKL ....... bye. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

screw everything now.

Hello. So tday schl started late and it was holy raining in da morning. So went Mac to meet up with Poh, she ate and then we headed to school at arnd 8. So schl ended at 1.45 and so me, may, zy and VK headed to bps to buy bday cake for m/rheena. ;) So after that headed to vk's house and guess what. She's holy having PMS and she screamed like hell. Then zhaoyong was like scratching me and hitting me all around LOL. k so we ran out of VK house before we die. So it was arnd 5 then went yt slack w may then
home. Tmr having IPW and schl's ending at 2.45.... #fml. k bye.

Monday, January 9, 2012

mentally&physically tired.

Today was the first day of week 2, so as usual had lessons all the way till 1:45. Today was the O' level results being released. Kinda saw many people crying..... Hope they're crying because they can't believe that they did so well. Ahahah. Ok so went to JP with Evan, Vt and Tricia. Had pepper lunch for lunch, then walked around till 5+. So took 172(?) I guess, and it was slower than a snail lor priest. Fucken slow! It took like 45 mins to reach lot! Oh so anyway, ytd went to rebounded my hair. And also, this Thursday going science center. :) Okay so that's all for today aitex. Bb! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New beginning.

So im going to start afresh this new year, and just literally be more matured. Finally the week has ended! Its pretty tiring ever sinces the start of sec 2 life. Everyday is just kinda stress up as those teachers will be lecturing us and saying about that this year is the streaming year and just kept on telling us to study hard and stuffs and im on the verge of giving up but i didnt. I've realise that im already sec 2 and yeah its time to rlly buck up on my studies and not being so childish, having friendship problems and stuffs. Its like, lets just be mature alright? Oh and yeah 2011 is pretty fast, i meant like rlly fast. Its like a blink of eyes and yeah, 2012 is alrdy here. I've done rlly badly for 2011 and im rlly gona study hard and reach my goal this year. Im rlly not used to writing 2E2 or 2012 in my worksheets or books, missing 1E2'11 so much! This year its like suddenly we're all so quiet during lessons and we aint rlly fun like last year already. Fadzil have transferred and i rlly miss all his horny jokes and random shits! Hahahaha. Alright so the first week of school was fun. Especially mother tongue, its like we're all making noises but mr yang doesnt rlly care. But i know i should just concentrate in class instead of talking even though mr yang doesnt care. Yeahh so i've completed my homeworks yesterday and today im pretty free. :D Shall just give myself a day off and laze around, alright so i shall end here. xoxo :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

6JAN2012 (Y)

It was like the third day of school and TGIF! School was super tiring and i was totally worned out. So shall we just talk about today? :) It was like the best day in 2012 so far.... as usual, was almost late for school with rachel and guys. So yeah mr yang was like asking us to write the word 'pledge' and so he wanted to say ' Lets say the pledge' but he said it as 'Lets play the pla chuuu', so most of us were laughing like maddies cos it was rlly funny! Oh and also, during EL,  sherin wanted to ask miss lee a question, then she raised her hand like as if she was dancing indian dance or smth! So me and mheena spotted that and we started to laugh like hell for like 5mins! Hahaha! So straight after school, slacked with Poh, May and Evan. We actually planned to complete our homeworks, but we failed to do so as we were chatting happily then suddenly mr foo walked pass us and he gave us a party popper! We were all so afraid that it'll like pop on the spot or smth so we were like throwing it to each other! Then we headed out of school and we tried to follow the instruction on popping the  the party popper so we mingled with it for awhile and then suddenly it popped loudly and may was shouting like rlly loud! Evan had it all videoed down. After that slacked around bball court and then had our lunch buying junks food from the minimart. Then headed to Lot with May while the rest went home. Planning to buy that everlast baggg with her aft CNY muhahaa. Oh and also about the music module thing, i've gotten into choir(i've choosen it last year and i cant believe it) then so i've changed with to dance Evan as most of our friends were in dance! Hope it wouldnt be rlly tiring and the teacher to be fun-loving! :) Ok shall end here alrights xx bye!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

first day of school.

Oh so today was the first day of school and it starts at 8.15 as it was a tuesday. So woke up extreme early to meet minhui and friends at bb mac. So i was late in meeting them(as always). When i've arrived, yani and co and tricia was all there so i was kinda a little shock as i thought only Yani, Evan and Minhui would be there. So we caught up with each other and we're all still the same, didnt change much during the holidays :) Yeap, and the sitting arrangement for sec 2 at parade sq totally changed! Suprisingly, our form teacher is still mrs pan, and she's pregnant k(kind of too fast as she just married like 4 months ago?) And also our co-form is Mr Tam KK. He was a survival from nose cancer and he had gone through rlly many kind of treatments.... He said that it was rlly painful and yes if its me, i guess i would have given up in life alrdy. He's rlly so great. Hmmm and also im still in maths band 4 and is still taught by ms toh :) I'm in the same class as rachel & jody. Its rlly awesome haha. PE was last 2 periiods and it was mr yeo. He's sorta a pedo but LOL no choice :( Oh ya and also mt was banded so i was in mr yang class with minhui may huiting kelly and others. So mr yang was sort of boring as the first day of his lesson and he's already talking about his hometown and things which i dont understand at all..... So after school went to lot1 with jody, may and vk. Slacked around and met sis there. and vk. then meet sis there. So anyway tmr school is also starting at 815 but unfortunately ends at 2.45, kinda dread it! Well, i think if the during morning assembly & afternoon assembly, if we cut away the mr lee talking part, im sure that we wouldnt have to end schoola t 2.45 alrdy..... :( so yea shall just end here bye!