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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

so its all your lies...

Hello, so im gna spend the rest of my newyear in school. alright schl was per normal though. Excited for only English lesson. Alright so today same thing headed to school with them and so during MT I was tortured so fucken badly by may and minhui. Hand was twisted, bra strap was pulled(LOL), hand was pinched/drawn by them. Grrrrr. Was feeling kinda pissed but still we laughed like nobody's business and I've tried acting fierce but failed HAHAHAH. oh so after school chionged to Westmall with Evan to watch "Journey 2". It was pretty awesome though I almost fell asleep due to being too tired hahaha, ok then headed to sogurt for holy yogurt. So headed home at around 3plus. Hmm so this coming Sunday, em' guys will be coming my hse for 拜年 ahhhh, basically we'll order pizza I guess, cos dad said that steamboat's abit too ltroublesome. :D hehhehe alright so shall end here rightnow bye!

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