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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

6JAN2012 (Y)

It was like the third day of school and TGIF! School was super tiring and i was totally worned out. So shall we just talk about today? :) It was like the best day in 2012 so far.... as usual, was almost late for school with rachel and guys. So yeah mr yang was like asking us to write the word 'pledge' and so he wanted to say ' Lets say the pledge' but he said it as 'Lets play the pla chuuu', so most of us were laughing like maddies cos it was rlly funny! Oh and also, during EL,  sherin wanted to ask miss lee a question, then she raised her hand like as if she was dancing indian dance or smth! So me and mheena spotted that and we started to laugh like hell for like 5mins! Hahaha! So straight after school, slacked with Poh, May and Evan. We actually planned to complete our homeworks, but we failed to do so as we were chatting happily then suddenly mr foo walked pass us and he gave us a party popper! We were all so afraid that it'll like pop on the spot or smth so we were like throwing it to each other! Then we headed out of school and we tried to follow the instruction on popping the  the party popper so we mingled with it for awhile and then suddenly it popped loudly and may was shouting like rlly loud! Evan had it all videoed down. After that slacked around bball court and then had our lunch buying junks food from the minimart. Then headed to Lot with May while the rest went home. Planning to buy that everlast baggg with her aft CNY muhahaa. Oh and also about the music module thing, i've gotten into choir(i've choosen it last year and i cant believe it) then so i've changed with to dance Evan as most of our friends were in dance! Hope it wouldnt be rlly tiring and the teacher to be fun-loving! :) Ok shall end here alrights xx bye!

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