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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, January 13, 2012


its friday the 13th, marks the last day of week 2 too. Time passes so fast nowadays.... Anyway, was feeling so unwanted nowadays, things are all happening to me and its like i hate it when i speak and nobody's listening. Just feel like going off to another place and never coming back... hmmm, so today was dismissed early at 1045, so headed to sogurt with jody, regin and tricia. ate sogurt and started to do homework, then at around 12 plus regin & jody left to meet yz. so left me and tricia, done our hw then slacked at wm till arnd 2 then home. 
anyway girl, can i tell you something ? I dont want to mention names out but yeah, please laaa dont make so many enemies can anot. like seriously, kept on gossiping about people and judging them by their looks, attitude and what th hell seriously you dont even know them then you started judging..... 
anyway, shall just end here alright kbye. 

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