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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New beginning.

So im going to start afresh this new year, and just literally be more matured. Finally the week has ended! Its pretty tiring ever sinces the start of sec 2 life. Everyday is just kinda stress up as those teachers will be lecturing us and saying about that this year is the streaming year and just kept on telling us to study hard and stuffs and im on the verge of giving up but i didnt. I've realise that im already sec 2 and yeah its time to rlly buck up on my studies and not being so childish, having friendship problems and stuffs. Its like, lets just be mature alright? Oh and yeah 2011 is pretty fast, i meant like rlly fast. Its like a blink of eyes and yeah, 2012 is alrdy here. I've done rlly badly for 2011 and im rlly gona study hard and reach my goal this year. Im rlly not used to writing 2E2 or 2012 in my worksheets or books, missing 1E2'11 so much! This year its like suddenly we're all so quiet during lessons and we aint rlly fun like last year already. Fadzil have transferred and i rlly miss all his horny jokes and random shits! Hahahaha. Alright so the first week of school was fun. Especially mother tongue, its like we're all making noises but mr yang doesnt rlly care. But i know i should just concentrate in class instead of talking even though mr yang doesnt care. Yeahh so i've completed my homeworks yesterday and today im pretty free. :D Shall just give myself a day off and laze around, alright so i shall end here. xoxo :)

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