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Sunday, January 22, 2012

happy ending. =")

helloooooooo. its cny eve today and my parents are super duper busy packing the house there yet you see im so filial here using comp. ahahhaa. ok la so anyw ytd went lot and sunplaza for our last minute shopping with mom, then headed back to yewtee. saw jer at gongcha, then rabbit at wetmarket, and jody inside a car. too coincidence liao! :3 heh soooo today at least i did something to help them, then having steamboat later with family :) oh so wheres my angbao people?! geez. hmm sudddenly thought of ms lee, wonder how's she rn. recovering? still the same? getting worst? hope not. hope she's recovering rlly fast! :) oh so tmw gg dad's side de uncle hse in the aftrnoon, then night going mom's side de aunt's house. okai la chaos!

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