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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

first day of school.

Oh so today was the first day of school and it starts at 8.15 as it was a tuesday. So woke up extreme early to meet minhui and friends at bb mac. So i was late in meeting them(as always). When i've arrived, yani and co and tricia was all there so i was kinda a little shock as i thought only Yani, Evan and Minhui would be there. So we caught up with each other and we're all still the same, didnt change much during the holidays :) Yeap, and the sitting arrangement for sec 2 at parade sq totally changed! Suprisingly, our form teacher is still mrs pan, and she's pregnant k(kind of too fast as she just married like 4 months ago?) And also our co-form is Mr Tam KK. He was a survival from nose cancer and he had gone through rlly many kind of treatments.... He said that it was rlly painful and yes if its me, i guess i would have given up in life alrdy. He's rlly so great. Hmmm and also im still in maths band 4 and is still taught by ms toh :) I'm in the same class as rachel & jody. Its rlly awesome haha. PE was last 2 periiods and it was mr yeo. He's sorta a pedo but LOL no choice :( Oh ya and also mt was banded so i was in mr yang class with minhui may huiting kelly and others. So mr yang was sort of boring as the first day of his lesson and he's already talking about his hometown and things which i dont understand at all..... So after school went to lot1 with jody, may and vk. Slacked around and met sis there. and vk. then meet sis there. So anyway tmr school is also starting at 815 but unfortunately ends at 2.45, kinda dread it! Well, i think if the during morning assembly & afternoon assembly, if we cut away the mr lee talking part, im sure that we wouldnt have to end schoola t 2.45 alrdy..... :( so yea shall just end here bye!

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