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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ellooos . ;D. Just came back home from school. Went Parent Teacher Dialogue with mum mah. LOL. Got a little complaint. LOL. Its from Mr Tan. :x He said whn i angry show him angry face?! I didnt sia -.-' Wtf. His eye something wrong? My expression is only got 1 which is IM Sleeepy! LOL. Yeah. Its true. In morning only. >< . Dhen no homework for maths lor. Eng got 1 ws bahh. Chinese miss go nvr prepare bcous she dont even know i nvr go schooool. CooooL sey. This kinda tcher. Wooohoo . Miss Go abit mad siol. Just now laugh like wad. Like jus came back from China den dam happy? =) LOL. She like and my mother bestie or wad. LOL. Then she ask me she fierce annot, i scared her meh. LOL. She said why i dont talk to her one . bleahx. Cous no conversation to start. Ahhhaaa. And i dont talk to tchers bleahx. Den she say i talk to frens load. Hmmm. True bahh . :x First time see miss go smile so big and so happy ._. LOL. Cooool. In school she dont treat me liddat -.- She act infront of parents? LOL. Except Mr Tan only, he's pernormal. MrsHanna and Miss Go act good siol . >< . At school Miss Go is scold ppl one and then nvr ever smile ==! Hmmm. Okay. Ltr going duno whr. Mum bring me. Buhbye :D
Uhh. Hellooos. =( . Im so dam unlucky .. Just now went Yew Tee mahh . Mum bought me a iTouch cover, Hp protector and cover. Den .. mum decide go Mac. So we follow lor. Den aft tht, we all finish meals, all went out mahs. Den chatting happily bahh ._.
So, mum looking at th scenery on top while chatting with us some interesting topics which i forget. Den i was behind my mum while sis is infront. Suddenly, sis shout 'Get away' in chinese. I was like .. izzit sis's voice? Or wad? LOL. Den mum turned back. A man vomitted. On th floor. And kena my shoes and leg abit. My leg kena more. -.- Wtf and th man clothe's all fine. Den he just walk away. If he say a sorry. I dont mind. Wtf. JUST WALK AWAY? Is he a human or a beast? Fuck siol. I was so dam angry then -.- If he still arnd, I sure throw him my shoes and punch him. -.-. His vomit so smelly and disgusting. Like small pieces of orange thing like carrot. Im so unlucky right?! -.- Den tml is parents teacher dialoge -.- Haiis. Surely kena complain by Tan Thong Howe one la. Ask my partner abt maths qs niaa. He scold -.- WTF is he? BEAST ALSO? Ahhaaaha. [No offence to those who like him]. But i bet its nobody except his wife bah. LOL. He sucks to th limit. I hate him. Hmmm nevermind. Tml can meet miss go liaos. Yayy! Pretty teacher. :D Ahaaaha. Now playing maple. Its 1238am. Ltr maybe 115am sleep. Tml must get rdy by 130pm. Mom come home bring me go school bahh . :x

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Helloooos ! :D Tuition just ended. Just had my lunch. All fish siaa. Dad bought a dam biqqh fish and he told me it was catch one . T.T . Kena tricked. Lols. Btw, tuition sucks ! Th teacher is so daaaam .. Omqosh. She taught me a sec1 kind of ratio.. thinqyy . And dhen she ask me do exercise to practice. >< . I was thinking and thinking and my head grew bigger and bigger. LOL. So hard ==. I don even understand whut she was talking from the start. Bleahx. LOL. Dhen she dam angry, and she got headache for teaching me? All thanks to her, I started to hate maths liaos._. . Now whanna play maple alr . ;D. And then faceebook. :P. Toniqht duno mum wanna qo whr. I think either SunPlaza or JuronqPoint. :D. I hope its JP. (: . Hehes. Now qtq. Buhbai !

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Yay ! Today holiday liaos. =x Played maple and facebook. Went lot 1 at night. Ate at sakae sushi den went arcade. Played till 12am . LOL. Nothing to type sey. xD. Den went home played maple again den slp siol !


Today nothing happen. Morninq mum went bank so only sis and me at home. Dhen we eat air till mom come back then she bought beehoon lor. She bought 3 packs. For me and sis and her, dhen too big pack cnt finish. Dad came hm from badminton and scold LOL. Dhen dad tried to swallow th most he can while mum also help.Went yew tee at night with sis. Ate at LJS and then went to pasar malam . >< . LOL. Den went home. Hmmmm. I forgot my wallet at 7-Eleven. Heng nobody took it , xD. Hehes. Dhen mum said dad needa work . So we plan to go fishing instead of PP shopping centre. xD. Hmmmm . Still playin maplee. xD. Hmmm . Actually wanted to sell my old hp to aunt der. But then cant find th battery. Den dad keep scold. LOL! Nbm. Idc. :x
okay, so i am off the prawning now !

Friday, May 28, 2010

26 May [Wed]

Hmm . Today got one more day mc .. Im still sick . Sore throat and couqh . Today mummy on mc also . She still hvinq fever ._. Sis went work . :x . Dhen at night went Yew Tee doc take another day mc . Cous still not well :'(. Duno whad's happeninq in school also -.-. zz! Lols. At niqht 12am . I watchinq teevee . Suddenly fever . -.- 38 deqree bah . Mum lemme eat medi . I still cant sleep . Dhen watch abit of teevee. Dhen nvr close th teevee i fell asleep :x .

27 May [Thur]

Haiiz. Today havinq fever in th morning till afternoon . Morninq i cant sleep. Head seems like so heavy. And im so hot x.x . Lols. Woke up at 530am. Chat with mum abit. Couz cant sleep. Den eat medicine lor. Dhen i sleep liaos. >< . Dhen afternoon quite okeh luh . No fever. ;x Dhen ply maple lor. Duno whds happeninq in school ! Help?! Lols. -.-' Now wanna qo sleep liaos. Buhbye (:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

23 May [ Sun ]

Hehes. Today no tuition . Cancel liaos . Cous mum said qoing Johore :). Bleahx.
Woke up at 10am . Bath and eat then qo Kranji Mrt meet aunt . xD. Reach Johore at arnd 1pm . Ate lunch at some whr idk whr. Is eat thinqs on stone one . I ate steak on stone . I forget to turn th steak and then become burned abit. -.- LOL! And den we went walk walk ... :) Went bata buy school shoe. xD . After tt mum went to a mama shop ... Mum bouqht three bottle of bubble qum.. COOOL! LOL. Dhen sis brought us to a shop whr they sell waffle ice cream. I tried abit and did eat much cous too full! :x . Dhen we walk and walk and shop and shop. Went in Citychain see watch. Too ex.. mum duwanna buy . Dhen niqqht time liaos.. Arnd 5pm+ Mum said wanna qo Swensen eat.. The swensen thr call Season . Hhump . Weird. LOLS. I ate salmon with teriyaki sauce and sis eat salmon with creamy mushroom sauce. Hmm . Mine sucks. Taste like sweet -.-. Lols. Nevermind. Dhen we went homee. Home Sweet Home. xD. Dhen i chionq do homework. LLOL! Arnd 9++ After i finished dhen i sleep . Dhen suddenly qrt headache. == LOOL. Dhen slp lor.

24 May [Mon]

Hmm. Nothinq happened today. Today mum and sis sick . Im havinq headache . So pain till cant think of anything -.- . Dhen mum like no voice. Sore throat . Sis qort stomache flu . Like gona die. LOL! Dhen nothing luh . At night im okayh liaos. Mum and sis went doc while i stay at home . >< . They both qrt Mc . Bleahx. I didnt see doc. Cous okeh liaos. Dhen sleep lor. Both of them fever. Lawls!

25 May [ Tue ]

Hhump . Today i sick -.- Lols. Couqh and couqhh luh ... Dhen didnt qo school agn . Haiis. Ppl qet report book liaos siaa! Hmm. Stayed at home play maple lor? So bored
-.- . Dhen.. at niqht mum brouqht me qo Yew Tee see doc .. Doc gimme mc for today and tml... Monday don habb cous nvr qo see doc. zz! Dhen tmr Mc lor. Still sick siaa -.-. Jus now at Yew Tee at dinner at Koufu . >< Zz! Dhen went home lo. Bleahx. Eat medicine. Dhen now bloqqinq. So lonq nvr p0st so now wanna post. Hmm . Tml no school -.- . Duno how . >< Lols . == . Btw, my aunt so lucky sia. She's th only one who is not sick.. >< Lols. Sis today qt dhe news to qo in University in Enqineerinq course? I think . Hehes. Btw, gratz hor! Everyday pray and pray . LOLS! Ahaaha . Buhbye all :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Heyy, hellooos . ;D So tired siaa! 230am now. o.O.
Just came back from PP shoppinqq . ><. Lols. Bought 30k @cash and a pink
Nike waterbottle. My dream one. LOL! Now playinq maple worr. Chnge hairstyle liaos.
>< . So bored. Still noob noob lv 21. Cous ytd cr8 one . :x . Now gona sleep liaos! :D.
Ceeya! Tmr gona go Johor! Confirmed liaos! Yeaahh !

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hellooooos ;). Now playinq maple mah! Gona bath soon and go out liaos. :) . Maple dam fun. Hehes! Ltr gona buy @cash. Maybe 20k bahh! Aunt giving me $30. :P bleahs!
Now duno whad to do also... Wanted to play Wii one ley! But then dad playing. -.-' Aiyah! Tml going Johor worh! In the morning 1030am. I think bahh! Gona buy loads of things . ;P. So excited ! Now wanna go maple awhile and facebook then bath liaos! Buhbyeeee :) Ceeya!

[LJQ, Stop commenting and reading on my bloq] -.-'
Ellos peeeps! Miss ya all! :D. Now trying to download Maplestory. Cant resist to play . -.- Hehes. Its now 23% . 4hr 22 mins more! Jiayous! :P. Idk whut world to play. Maybe Izar bahh! :) New world. So lonq nvr play alr! Woohoo! Promise not to buy cashh too much. Really wasted dam load last time. -.-' Now duno wad to do. So bored! :'( . Planning to sleep at 2am ? >< Bleahx! Borinqq! I go facebook. No notifications siaa! All sleeping -.-' . Aiyahh! I go search web playplay bahh! :) Ceeyou! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Helloooos :). Todat school fun! Heheex! Bought a 0.38 pen [set] $16 . Vehh nice one lehh! Then class do nothing luh. Mrs Hanna go thru things lor . Sian!And Yuzhen sucks! You know! Roar! She go ask Raudza guess who is 17 then Raudza say the person.. Then Bony hear.. Then they chat mahh! Then Mrs Hanna heard and ask what they talkin abt... Then Bony go tell everyone i like the person . Whole class know liao la! Yuzhen and Raudza sucks! :'(. BTW, Just now when Raudza go toilet, she urgent mahh , den she put her baqs on the floor! Then i spray water go in under the toilet's hole.. Then she knocked on the toiletbowl and then very loud sound! LOL. Then she almost slipped and faLL in the toiletbowl! LOL! Then i was rushing out of the toilet when i saw a Malay tcher leading the class. Then i was laughing like mad.. Then the 'Malay tcher's class' all looking at me like i mad one. :x LOLOL! And then tdy no HMT class cous Miss Go going chinaa! YeahhhH! Next whole wk Mrs Chonq cuming! WOOHOO! :D Supahh dam happyy! Hehes. Now doinq nothinq lor. Bored. -.-. Chatting on fb with Jusandraa! Nobody online one. -.-' Alah, Gotaa qo :D. Buhbyee!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yooh ! Im SOOOO Boredddxzc! :'( Alice Never online, cannot chat :'( . Btw, lazy do my homework. xD. Lols. Duwanna do.. -.-! Who th hell can help? Dam BOREDDDDXZC!$%^&%
LOL. Fb also ,like no ppl online one. :x. Tmr wanna clip up my frinqe. I think i will look neater? x.x If not my frinqe everytime durinq afternoon become ... aiyohh! Like just woke up. LOL. Hahas. :D. Tmr show yr my new hair. See whethr clip or not betta :)
Hellooooos :D Today dam good mood. Hehees. My science got 57. :x Atleast i passed. Not the failures. :)Hehees!Today told Yuzhen who is 17 and she told me who is 7 too. I hpe she wunt spread -.-! Please uh Zhen ! :'(
Today school was fine uhh. Sprayed water at Raudza, she's wet like hell! Hahas ! LOL. Miss Go ignored me today :'(! ? Now i took her as my NORMAL tcher luhh... Btw, Alice arhx I forget to bash her up. Hehees ! Now watchinq vid lo. Nothinq to do, and facebooking :) . heehes. Gtg lehy. Toniqht maybe post more bahh ! :D.

Buhbyee. <3

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hellos .. Today never go school. Sick uhh . Ytd night keep coughing. -.-' Duwanna talk much bt it. Today dam boring at home. Played Wii lor. -.- Sian ! Now chatting with Meimei , Alice at Faceeboook :) Heart to heart talk. All abt someone and Miss Go (: Hehes. All gossips luhh. xD. Now duno wad to do. Wanna go bath alr. :O. Promised Alice to bash miss go up tml, Hahas. Just jk nia. If bash her up, i go jail. :(. LOL. Parents haven come back. Siannz. So lonely. Okeh okeh. Now watching tv. Aiyah, so hot -.- I go bath liaox ! Buhbyee!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yeahhh ! Heehes. So dam happy ! Just came back from YewTee, or maybe its lonq ago alr xD. (: heehe. You know what? Mum bought me new Wii game !! YEAHH ! So happy ! She bought a zapper ( gun ) as the game need zapper mahh ! Then she bought whole set of tht is includinq a Zapper + a game which cost $50. (: The whole set cost $60. Heehes. The game is House of the Dead (Overkill) Quite fun luhh but then dam scary ==. Its for 17++ den can play. Btw, its WTF the 'CREATURES' in the game is like so dam bloody -.-. Now dad playing it. Duwannna talk abt it. Its dam dam scary. ==. Then mum also bought me iPod Touch 's cover and earpiece (: . Hehes. Wonderinq why i get so many things suddenly . >< Why she buy for me? Becous my chinese got 90 so buying things for me? Its call praising? == Or becauz of the 'P6 Forum' she encouraging me? LOL. HAHAHAHA. Idk. Dun wanna know too (: . Wth all my peeps nvr update bloqqie. == Haiis. Nbm. Gota go (; TML still got school :( BUHBYE !
Hellooos :D ! Today MrsHanna nvr go class, then so free lor (: . No homeworkk ! Heehe. Just came back from the P6 Forum . 4pm - 6pm. So bored there == . Mum first time 3.30pm come back home. Heehes :). Just now when at the forum when i wanna go toilet ... Then see Haw Yew , YuZhen , Jody , Alice and May. Then they were inside the girls toilet when Haw Yew's waiting outside. Then he dun wanna lemme go in -.-He say must beat win him first == Thn he wanted to punch me when tcher cuming. (I think) XD! Then i went back hall lor. Now going YewTee with mum liaos, before tt i fb awhile 1st. xD. Buhbyee !

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hellooos :) Now so bored so post this lor .. Mum haven come back siaa -.- Alr 9pm. Zz. But then dad cme back at 7plus. Too early lahh. LOL. ==. Now gona be dead if mum come back home . Cous cfm wanna expel the tuition tcher one lahh -.-' Got tuition still get LOWER MARKS than CA1. Dead dead dead. :( I'm gona get scolding. Confirm. -.- More tuition? :P New teacher? >< == LOL. See you guys in hell (: . Come my graveyard bahh. Hehes. Lols. Just jokinqq. Just now at Facebook Danielle and Keith suddenly post at my wall sayinq sorry. Kinda weird. They used to bully me but then now say sorry == . They say is becuz walk pass my house then rmb me? LOL. Funneh uhh. I dont kinda believe == Now watchinq tv liaoos. 9pm got like kinda ghost show at Ch8. >< . Watching it . Btw, why yuh guys keep relink and relink ==. Stop ley. If relink then update me lahhs -.- Need me ask so many ppl to know yr link one mehh. == LOL. Now really gtg liaoos. Buhbye. Cyaz.

Helloos :) . Came back from school lonq lonq aqoo liaoos. xP. Today no suppn couz tcher duno wan go whr lor. Then at home siansian -.-' . Wth sia, maths i fail ley -.-40! Dead lar !!! Mt got 80/90 1 more marks A* ... Hope i add all overall get A* (: hEhE. Now watchinq tv . Going facebook alr. (: Buhbyee !

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Helloss :D I'm back postinqq . :) Now goinq lot 1 instead of SunPlaza. Cous closinq bahh. :) Late liaoos. xD. Chattinq on facebook while waitinq for mummy to bath. :)
Dad went work at 5 ++ now haven come back. :) yeahhh ! Hehes. Tmr schooool liaoos :( . Sad. Holiday faster come lahh ! I'm waitinqq. xD. Tml getting all results. HEHEHEHE :D. SOOO Dam excited. All pass please. :) One time lemme happy lah! LOL.
Now gtg liaos. Buhbye. (:

Hellos :D. Now playing Wii . (: . But then keep die -.- Cant finish the game ' Obscure ' . Wth! Ltr sis and me going lot 1 :D. Hehes. Buying Zinc baq mahh. :]. Now no tuition . :D Next wk then start. Btw, the tuition tcher gimme the homework i lost the paper -.- LOL. don care lahh. xD. Now going facebook. Buhbye :D Post more ltr.
Hellos :D. Just came back home . LOLS. Went shopping mahh :D.
Went to PP shopping lor. Bought a blouse. Look quite nice bahh . Got rabbit one._.
Then went 'ABC hawker center' eat lo. The food every week call same one.Sick of it.-.- Then we went IMM/Giant buy thinqs. Mum bought me 2 FBT . Red and black. :).
Then sis bought magnum golden ice-cream. So i eat lor. 3 stick $11. LOL. nice hor. xD. Dam thick lor the ice-cream. But then taste like normal Magnum ice-cream just that the colour is GOLDEN -.- . Then we went home . :D . Bathed liaoo then now fbing for a while before sleeping . ;D .

Btw, afternoon went to Yew Tee Point . ;D. Actually wanted to buy Wii games one .
But then no time so mum rushinq -.- And then the Wii game don have Silent Hill -.-
KNS sia.. So we went home lor. Mum say tml want go SunPlaza . -.- . I want to buy Wii game ' Silent Hill ' at lot one. :x Maybe got sell leyy. Tmr then see see want buy anot. Tmr mum say want buy me slinq baq at Zinc one. :DDD ! And den tml no tuition cous last wk tuition 3 time liao. :D. Mum rawks ! Bought me so many thinqz ! Hehe. I'm so lucky and fortunate ley . :D Now gtg, Buhbyee :D


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Helloooos :DD ! Today nothing to do.. Exam over. Sian liaox :) .
Now going facebooking. :) . LOL. What to do ley? Now watchinq tv, vid on youtube
and facebooking :x LOL. >< I go liaos. Byee :\

Friday, May 14, 2010

Yoh Peeeps . :DDD ! Today nothinq special happened. Got our enqlish marks, I got top in class 67/100 . Not so gd luh . My aim 75 ley... My Situation got 14/15. I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN FULL MARKS LIKE OTHERS ! But the my compo 31 half/40. Quite satisfied. :). My LC 19/20, People can qet full why cant I. WTH! I felt sucha loser. T.T . My oral 21/30. Total 134/200. Well... I tried my best . -.- . Hope i can do better in CA2 :). Hope all my subject can qet straight pass. :). God bless. xD. Today nothing happen in school luh.. No Homework. Btw, the HMT paper was'nt EASY at all ! :( The B Group idk how do. But then Compre and th first paqe was okeyy :)...

Now GTG alr, qoinq fb . :)

Aim : Straight pass for all. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

yooh :) . SO BORED NOW. RIGHT NOW . YEAH NOW. NOW NOW NOW. NOW !:P.I'm all alone at home, dun feel like studyin for my HMT . >< So i watch teevee and now thinking of blogging lors. I duno whad to type also. >< LOL. Danielle dunwanna upload th vid. I wanna see sia. :( .. Now watchinq a story on chnl 8, start at 9pm one. Is like ghost ><. SO BORED ! Wanna get a new baq. :( Guys, bdae buy baq for me luh, at zinc... like yvette one. :( I WANNA IT ! Fck my sis, get a baq which is like put laptop one. WASTE MY FUCKING CASH. ASHOLE. Now gtg. Buhbye.
Yoyoyo . :) Just came back home from school , :) . Today th science paper was okeh. LOL. Booklet A , wooo. EASY, Booklet B, hmm.. I just wrote ridiculous answers, :). Got confident i will pass :) . Tmr paper 1&2 for HMT . >< Hope i pass th compo and paper.. God help me :} Today suddenly sees tt 17 so cute :).Then at school nothinq happens lor. URM ... Azura very whad sehh , i lend her th boooks she say rt me on 07 May. Then she gave me 5 books. Ask me help rt. KNS. I got no time cous exam. Then fadzil keep rush me. KNS. My schedule full right, ASHOLE ! I THIS WHOLE WEEK EXAM LA. >< . Btw, hope tmr's paper can be at classroom instead of AVA ROOM ! AVA ROOM SUCKS! The table DAM small. :x... Now qtq alr.. :) Buhbbyye !

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today was dam qreat ! Went to YuZhen's Birthday party. Was so fun . :))) !! Firstly we ate speqatiie den we played water at th laundry room. LOL. Then we sprayed eac other if we lose at th scissor paper stone.. Then we were so fun den suddenly hor THE DOWNSTAIR some of Yuzhen's neiqhbour came up and complain and said wanted to call th police because we make th clothes she's dryinq wet. LOLOL. >< Dhen we played in th bathroom. >< . They all open the bath thinqy th tap then spray lo . After tt we changed our clothes and then we cut cake. And then JieYinq and Granville came ... They take th cake and smash at eac other's face. -.-! SO WASTE MY FUCKING $15. THEN I was like WTH, Waste money especially Danielle... Then i anqry.. SO I TOOK TH WHOLE PLATE OF MY CAKE AND WENT TO TH TOILET TO SMASH AT HER FACE. LOLOL. THEN SHE WAS FILLED WITH CAKES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!But then th whole livinq rm and toilet dirty.. Then Yu Zhen anqry, she need clean th whole livinq room. >< Then i was tryinq to help.. BUT THEN HOR .. No raqq, LOL. Then i see and chat lor -.-.Then we qo to YuZhen's room and play.. We played pass th ball then if th music stop, th person holdinq th ball must choose truth or dare. I kena alot time. >< WTF. LOLL. Then suddenly they all say th basketball is Jian Shan's ball. LOLOL. Then while we playinq, we i was like SO HIGH mahh. Then suddenly i snatch th ball with Yvette... Then they all say i snatched JIAN SHAN'S BALL! LOLOL. WTH. Then i was like so embrassed. Then i stand up beat Yvette with th ball. THEN ALL SEE MY PANTY. WTH -.-' LOL. Then we went home liaos. Couz all need revise science. Today 7.30pm qrt tuition also. >< Sian larh. Instead of tuition, I act act find time chat with the teacher then th teacher say cous bird got feather can fly right, THEN I SAY SUPERMAN GOT FEATHER COUS CAN FLY. LOLOLOL. Then we both lauqhinq like maddies. HAHAHAHAHA. Then now watchinq teevee while mom chattinq on phone. HEHE. secretly. Now wanna off alr. :). Ltr she come in th room i die. Tmr science. Hope i pass :) . Wishinqq all qet qd results on science, and cominqq exams . :) . Thanks YuZhen for th day. THANKS ALOT ! :) happy birthday btw, :] <3

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yoooooooooooo! :D . Today rawks ! :D . Hehes . Butden maths paper arhhx ! >< ... No time to do paper 1 - Booklet A&B. I did booklet A dhen 2 questions blank. Dhen i went to Booklet B. Was like.. WTH. 10 minutes left. Dhen was rushinqq .:(. And then Booklet B 3 question left blanks. 12 questions donknow how do. LOL.. Then after recess paper 2.. WAHHH! DIE LA THIS ONE. The 1st 3 paqes was okeh lor. Then th rest... Cannot alr :( . Anyhow do lor. Just hope to qet a pass. Nothinq much. God, heaven please help. XD. Tml chinese paper, YAYYY ! :D ! Today art lesson Mr Nq qo thru science 2009 paper. KNS all make noise then 1hr for 15qs. >< LOL. Nice one hor.Dhen i did class duty with Joreen and Yu Zhen. Dhen suddenly 3 Biq boys locked th front door and back door they blocked it. Dhen Joreen was like... So bad mood and angry mah. Dhen suddenly she say ''CB!'' sooooo dam loud. LOL. Dhen Mdm Nqq came.. She scoled th two boys then she said she hear Vulgarities. LOL. Dhen i quickly ran to YuZhen and do duty. -ACTACT* :D. Then Joreen anqry and cry then qo home. :x. So YuZhen&Me Continue Lo. Yuzhen 38. ><'' Ytd said wnt invite me qo her bdae pt andthen she LIE said cancel. Aft tt she said is BF den qo, so i cannot. KNS riqht, i her mei ley. ASSHOLE! >< ..Cfm tml not qivinq her present one. Yuh see lo. 38. ><.And den and den she spread say i lOVE Zi Henq. KNS La. Zi Henq mummy boy sia. Evrytime so quiet and like so BLUR* >< . Whu love him. ASHOLE. Yuzhen 38 lovee 18,HAHAHA.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Btw, today after school Joreen & me qo minimart buy drinks and water ballon dhen at my hse outside th staircase thr play . Dhen i was like ... WOO ! Water. dhen i suqqest playinq with water. LOL. Dhen i took 2 biqq bottle one is 1.5 litres and another one biqqer but duno wad litres. >< . HAHAS. Dhen we pour at each other. :D So funn . LOLS. Dhen we both like went swimminq liddat . Dam wet one . :D . HAHAHAS. Dhen after tht Joreen called her maid but dhen she dont want come . So i lent her clothes lor. :D . She wear th clothes like so funny seyy. LOL. >< . hahahahs. Now qtq alr. buhbye . :D
HELLLLOOOS :D . Todayy qortt paper 2 enqq . Vehh easyy ! :D .
But compreh abit hard luhh . Can qet thru anwy . :D . Today niqht 730pm qort tution maths . Tml maths paper leyy ! Hope i can pass lo . :X . Now still revisinqq abit . :D . Want sleep lerh . Btw , i abit sick seyy . Keep sneezinqq and coughinqq . Like havinqq sliqht fever :( . Hope i can finish th exam and be well :D . Hahas . Restinqq alr. qtq sleep. buhbye :D .

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hellooooos . :D tuition just ended. Hahas . Now watchinqq tv while fbinq . Mum askinqq me tuh study alr . :( . Btw, Happyy Mother's Dayy ! :DDD . Ailburbyuh mummmmy ! :D Gtg, byebye :D
Helloooos :D
Today must studyy lo . Tmr paper 2 sia ! Wtf .
Got so many homwrk haven do seyy . Nbm lor , ltr ask th tuition tcher
teachh me . :D . Now qoin tuh bath dhen study while waitinqq fer th tuition tcher .
Buhbye . :DDD
Hehes, its 3am now. Idk whud tuh do .
The whole of my family all so active, haven slp . HAHAS !
Tmr got tuition from 3pm - 5pm . Cfm do alot one lehq . Cauz exam th followinq
day mahh . ><" . Btw, th teacher quite qd luhh . But dhen so uqlyy . HAHAS.♥ LOL . >< . Maybee qona slp now . Tmr MUST wake up earlyy lehq . So, cya . :DD .
Goooood Night . :DD

♥ ELMO .

Hellooos peeeeps . :DD .
Just came back home from shoppinqq. Hahas .
Went to somewhere ` idk whr but i nicknamed it as PP` :D. hahas.
Mum bought me 1 sunglasses. Idk for whad but i just love it. :D
Hehes . :D !

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Soooo bored now :D..
Later dad cum back home i sure die one lehq.
He will sure teach me maths. :( .
If get wronq hor, kena knock on th head one.
Now on fb, getting more borinnq . ><'' Hehes.
Spamminq and talking rubbish on fb :D .
Byebye :DD
Hellos peeeeps. :D.
My previous bloqq cnt access. Kns ! Dont know whad happened.
Maybe sot lehq ! :D haahas.. Monday English Paper 2 lerh !
Exam so fast cum aqn . :( .
Btw, th Chinese paper 1 dhe compo idk how do lehq. Anyhow write...
Not enuf time dhen i anyhow write say th boy knocked down by car.
dhen die. LOL. Hahahs :D, gtg lerhx ! Byebye :D