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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

23 May [ Sun ]

Hehes. Today no tuition . Cancel liaos . Cous mum said qoing Johore :). Bleahx.
Woke up at 10am . Bath and eat then qo Kranji Mrt meet aunt . xD. Reach Johore at arnd 1pm . Ate lunch at some whr idk whr. Is eat thinqs on stone one . I ate steak on stone . I forget to turn th steak and then become burned abit. -.- LOL! And den we went walk walk ... :) Went bata buy school shoe. xD . After tt mum went to a mama shop ... Mum bouqht three bottle of bubble qum.. COOOL! LOL. Dhen sis brought us to a shop whr they sell waffle ice cream. I tried abit and did eat much cous too full! :x . Dhen we walk and walk and shop and shop. Went in Citychain see watch. Too ex.. mum duwanna buy . Dhen niqqht time liaos.. Arnd 5pm+ Mum said wanna qo Swensen eat.. The swensen thr call Season . Hhump . Weird. LOLS. I ate salmon with teriyaki sauce and sis eat salmon with creamy mushroom sauce. Hmm . Mine sucks. Taste like sweet -.-. Lols. Nevermind. Dhen we went homee. Home Sweet Home. xD. Dhen i chionq do homework. LLOL! Arnd 9++ After i finished dhen i sleep . Dhen suddenly qrt headache. == LOOL. Dhen slp lor.

24 May [Mon]

Hmm. Nothinq happened today. Today mum and sis sick . Im havinq headache . So pain till cant think of anything -.- . Dhen mum like no voice. Sore throat . Sis qort stomache flu . Like gona die. LOL! Dhen nothing luh . At night im okayh liaos. Mum and sis went doc while i stay at home . >< . They both qrt Mc . Bleahx. I didnt see doc. Cous okeh liaos. Dhen sleep lor. Both of them fever. Lawls!

25 May [ Tue ]

Hhump . Today i sick -.- Lols. Couqh and couqhh luh ... Dhen didnt qo school agn . Haiis. Ppl qet report book liaos siaa! Hmm. Stayed at home play maple lor? So bored
-.- . Dhen.. at niqht mum brouqht me qo Yew Tee see doc .. Doc gimme mc for today and tml... Monday don habb cous nvr qo see doc. zz! Dhen tmr Mc lor. Still sick siaa -.-. Jus now at Yew Tee at dinner at Koufu . >< Zz! Dhen went home lo. Bleahx. Eat medicine. Dhen now bloqqinq. So lonq nvr p0st so now wanna post. Hmm . Tml no school -.- . Duno how . >< Lols . == . Btw, my aunt so lucky sia. She's th only one who is not sick.. >< Lols. Sis today qt dhe news to qo in University in Enqineerinq course? I think . Hehes. Btw, gratz hor! Everyday pray and pray . LOLS! Ahaaha . Buhbye all :)

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