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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yeahhh ! Heehes. So dam happy ! Just came back from YewTee, or maybe its lonq ago alr xD. (: heehe. You know what? Mum bought me new Wii game !! YEAHH ! So happy ! She bought a zapper ( gun ) as the game need zapper mahh ! Then she bought whole set of tht is includinq a Zapper + a game which cost $50. (: The whole set cost $60. Heehes. The game is House of the Dead (Overkill) Quite fun luhh but then dam scary ==. Its for 17++ den can play. Btw, its WTF the 'CREATURES' in the game is like so dam bloody -.-. Now dad playing it. Duwannna talk abt it. Its dam dam scary. ==. Then mum also bought me iPod Touch 's cover and earpiece (: . Hehes. Wonderinq why i get so many things suddenly . >< Why she buy for me? Becous my chinese got 90 so buying things for me? Its call praising? == Or becauz of the 'P6 Forum' she encouraging me? LOL. HAHAHAHA. Idk. Dun wanna know too (: . Wth all my peeps nvr update bloqqie. == Haiis. Nbm. Gota go (; TML still got school :( BUHBYE !

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