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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today was dam qreat ! Went to YuZhen's Birthday party. Was so fun . :))) !! Firstly we ate speqatiie den we played water at th laundry room. LOL. Then we sprayed eac other if we lose at th scissor paper stone.. Then we were so fun den suddenly hor THE DOWNSTAIR some of Yuzhen's neiqhbour came up and complain and said wanted to call th police because we make th clothes she's dryinq wet. LOLOL. >< Dhen we played in th bathroom. >< . They all open the bath thinqy th tap then spray lo . After tt we changed our clothes and then we cut cake. And then JieYinq and Granville came ... They take th cake and smash at eac other's face. -.-! SO WASTE MY FUCKING $15. THEN I was like WTH, Waste money especially Danielle... Then i anqry.. SO I TOOK TH WHOLE PLATE OF MY CAKE AND WENT TO TH TOILET TO SMASH AT HER FACE. LOLOL. THEN SHE WAS FILLED WITH CAKES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!But then th whole livinq rm and toilet dirty.. Then Yu Zhen anqry, she need clean th whole livinq room. >< Then i was tryinq to help.. BUT THEN HOR .. No raqq, LOL. Then i see and chat lor -.-.Then we qo to YuZhen's room and play.. We played pass th ball then if th music stop, th person holdinq th ball must choose truth or dare. I kena alot time. >< WTF. LOLL. Then suddenly they all say th basketball is Jian Shan's ball. LOLOL. Then while we playinq, we i was like SO HIGH mahh. Then suddenly i snatch th ball with Yvette... Then they all say i snatched JIAN SHAN'S BALL! LOLOL. WTH. Then i was like so embrassed. Then i stand up beat Yvette with th ball. THEN ALL SEE MY PANTY. WTH -.-' LOL. Then we went home liaos. Couz all need revise science. Today 7.30pm qrt tuition also. >< Sian larh. Instead of tuition, I act act find time chat with the teacher then th teacher say cous bird got feather can fly right, THEN I SAY SUPERMAN GOT FEATHER COUS CAN FLY. LOLOLOL. Then we both lauqhinq like maddies. HAHAHAHAHA. Then now watchinq teevee while mom chattinq on phone. HEHE. secretly. Now wanna off alr. :). Ltr she come in th room i die. Tmr science. Hope i pass :) . Wishinqq all qet qd results on science, and cominqq exams . :) . Thanks YuZhen for th day. THANKS ALOT ! :) happy birthday btw, :] <3

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