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Friday, May 28, 2010

26 May [Wed]

Hmm . Today got one more day mc .. Im still sick . Sore throat and couqh . Today mummy on mc also . She still hvinq fever ._. Sis went work . :x . Dhen at night went Yew Tee doc take another day mc . Cous still not well :'(. Duno whad's happeninq in school also -.-. zz! Lols. At niqht 12am . I watchinq teevee . Suddenly fever . -.- 38 deqree bah . Mum lemme eat medi . I still cant sleep . Dhen watch abit of teevee. Dhen nvr close th teevee i fell asleep :x .

27 May [Thur]

Haiiz. Today havinq fever in th morning till afternoon . Morninq i cant sleep. Head seems like so heavy. And im so hot x.x . Lols. Woke up at 530am. Chat with mum abit. Couz cant sleep. Den eat medicine lor. Dhen i sleep liaos. >< . Dhen afternoon quite okeh luh . No fever. ;x Dhen ply maple lor. Duno whds happeninq in school ! Help?! Lols. -.-' Now wanna qo sleep liaos. Buhbye (:

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