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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Btw, today after school Joreen & me qo minimart buy drinks and water ballon dhen at my hse outside th staircase thr play . Dhen i was like ... WOO ! Water. dhen i suqqest playinq with water. LOL. Dhen i took 2 biqq bottle one is 1.5 litres and another one biqqer but duno wad litres. >< . HAHAS. Dhen we pour at each other. :D So funn . LOLS. Dhen we both like went swimminq liddat . Dam wet one . :D . HAHAHAS. Dhen after tht Joreen called her maid but dhen she dont want come . So i lent her clothes lor. :D . She wear th clothes like so funny seyy. LOL. >< . hahahahs. Now qtq alr. buhbye . :D

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