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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hohoho . Hellos . :). Today woke up at 12 . Sibei late . I know. Ummm, den textext , comp , bathe then went out to meet Danielle , Yvette and Keith. Exchanged our gifts . So bad siol Keith. Never buy me anything . Well, i didnt too. Ahahahas . Lol . Den slacked at Yewteee . Walked arnd . Followed Yvette . Uhm , den suddenly drizzling. So i decided to walked home first instead of following Yvette. :/. Den walkwalk , halfway at traffic , pouring siol . Came home bloody wet . Den bathe agn . Textext , comp . Had dinner just now . Den shower again . :p. I love showering . Lols . Den now down here blogging . <: . Okays , gtg liaos . Bye .

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hellos:).Woke up at 11 plus. Went slacking with Jody , Alice and Yuzhen. Misses them loads, my crazy girlfriends :D. Played abit of badminton . Den went mad with Yuzhen . Shouting like crazy womens. Hahahas . Den went double one minimart . Bought drinks. Den went court slack . Aft tht they going Alice hse den i went hm . Idw go. >< . Den went home , mom said wanna go bank . Den followed her. Ended up queueing up for her , -.- . Den take specs. Bought an iPhone 4 cover. Reach home like 7plus. Cant go yvette's hse. Sowwie. >< . Den texttext, tv . Playing with talking tom juz now. Really epic. Ahahaha . Den watching BOF now . Err , really bored. No one online at fb de . Haiish . Kk, done posting, night :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Helo,:).Today was a busy day. Hmmm , went westmall at afternoon with dad , sis & mom to change mine and sis's phone to iPhone 4. Uhm , sadly , out of stock thr. Den they said need go Plaza Sing. So went thr, reached arnd 6 plus. Bought our phones . Dam happy . But its using my own money. -.-. LOL. The plan dad pay for us lor . Haiish . Den went Bugis thr. Bought an iPhone cover and assesories. Spend like $50 on all of them. LOL. >< . Eheh , expensive sia . LOL. Den went dinner at a shop . Uhm , den bought Kappa sch shoes. Kinda nice. (Y) . Hahas , den dad drove us home. Used iPhone on th way . Fun lyk hell . Den update thingy . Nw charging. Tmr going lot 1 + Yvette's hse to exchange X`mas gifts. :D. Okays , done posting. Nightnight:)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Halos :D. Tday woke up at 11plus ... ummm . Den text text , fbfb , maplemaple . Umm , den msg . Whole day comp-ing ;D . Lawl . Yeahhh , Then night went Jurong Point . Bought a jacket and blouse . Den went Kappa , wanted to buy sch shoe . But den size either too small or big . -.-" . Haiish . Den ate ate th coffee shop . Blahh , went hm . Tmr gona get my iPhone 4 ;D (Y) . Ahahahas . :D . Okays , gtg . Bye .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hellos . Nothing do today , so here i am , blogging again.:)). Later going Bugis Street to get my school bag. Uhm, been posted to HillGrove , lols . Dewi , Danielle , Yvette , Jody , May , Yongsern , Randall all going there. Uhm , another 4 more years of them . Hahas. I got a feeling that im gona be in the same class as MAY YIP. O.o. Omg, lols. Uhh , tmr must go register dono what . Need wear proper sch uniform , 8.30am must reach , T.T . Awww , uhm, gona meet them tmr ! Yeah ! Miss Danielle , Yvette , Jody and May :D . Omg . Btw, school is starting , getting excited , but scared. T.T . New life , new friends . Scary teachers coming up. Omfg. I miss primary school life. >< . Haiiish , we're nw , grown-ups ? :/ . 13 soon . lols. Okays, i've done posting here , tonight mayb gona collect mah new specs , kks , bye ;}

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snows :D
Aunt,Sis,Me :D

Small villages.

A big snow , frozen :D

The panda we saw :D

Snows again .

Me kicking the snows :p

Stones. o.o

Snowy leafs . Lols .

Its snowing & cold like hell :p


Candid .


Look at all the snows on our gloves :D

Random TAKEN :)

Helloooos,;). Bored ttm ! Lying on th bed th whole day , rotting . Compcompcomp , tvtvtv, haiish . Nothing to do . Tmr results coming out . I think i will go to HillG . Haiish . Mayb no frens there . BORING. T.T . Uhhm, went to made new specs ytd . 100 plus dollars . Haiish . I wanna buy iPhone 4 . Its freeeeeaking nice . Im dam despo . People nowadays keep saying tht iPhone 3 very olddd . Wth , but iPhone 4 like alot of problems . Haiiish , hard to decide . Uhm . Nevermind , mayb dad oso wont change for me . Sua , gtg . Bye :) Btw , changed blog skin and song alr. Hope it last long , lols .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hellos, :D . Back alr . Had fun when go th snow mountain only , th rest all sien . :/ . Uhm , alot things happened in China , th most importantly is , my specs spoil , \m/ . LOL :D . Denden , hmmm , forget alr . Sick on th 7th/8th day bah . Till now . Just on fb , thousands of notifications , uhm . Knew tht zhen's acc kena hack . o_o . Wth . Okkkayy , ytd came back home arnd 2.30am . Tired like hell , den fell asleep till 11am den wake . Uh .. On 22nd dec th school which th go to will be known . Uhhhh , hope its greeeeeeeeeenridge . xD. . Lazy change blog song , template . Will do it when i free , andandand , few more days to school reopen . :/ Scary. Okkk , gtg , bye .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hellos.Uhm,didnt update for quite a few days , hahaa . Yesterday went watching Rapunzel . Uhm , ltr gona take cert. x]. Hmmmm , gona be a gud day today ? :D. Going airport arnd 10 plus , im gota miss facebook , my frens :D. 10 days siol . Wth . D: . Its like freeeeezing cold thr u know?! Minus 7 degreeeees ?! Wthh ?! Am i going to survive ? :D. Mayb , im gona miss th HOTHOT sun , yeah. Dk what th heck im talking oso . Rotting at home , waiting for 12.50pm to go and take mah cert , wakakaa . Omgomgomg, cant wait for toonight :] . Uhm , ice skiiiiiing hwaiting :D. Hahahaaa , okays , gtg , Byeb :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hellos.:>. Just back from outtthere :). Went shhhopping. Went to buy Sony NEX 3 camera for sis. Den bought a Converse high-cut shoes. Redddie ! Omg (Y). Den shocked to know tht , DANIELLE have the SAME as me. Omgomg. >< . Den bought jackets for mom, for overseas. Uhm, den 3 more days to oveeerseas ! 28 more days of holiday .. ): Uhh , cant wait for Thur ! 2am flight ! Wakaka. Late eh ? LOLS, Okok, den went eaaaaating, at near mom's sch . At toh guan thr. Eat noodles .. Den dad drove us home. Uh, starting comping. Chatting with Zhen,Dan and Nicole HALLS :D Okays, gtg

Friday, December 3, 2010

Helloooos . Boreed . Uhh , Zhen changed blog . D: . I lazy to update , HAHAH :D. Went nowhere nowadays . Addicted to Ms . Stayed at home playing. >< . Didnt go out with frens lately , tmr maybe going out . Hahaaas , Bored luh . Next thur going overseas , yayys. Alr Fri :D. Good morning everyone ~ :D . hahahas , like , neglected my frens siol . Rarely online at fb . >.> LOL. Okok , i'll be on . Donid write my name so big right , NG YU ZHEN! XD Gtg .

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Helo..Bored at home. Chose sec sch , im freaking despo to go to HillG , but dad said its like lousy sch . Wthh , den he choose , dono submit alr not . Heck care . Sinces he wanna "CARE" , so he will "CARE" for me , and i dont :D. Lols, bored.Tmr is 27 , dk if gona go th open houses . Its like, fun , but im lazy and dont even have th mood to go. :l. Planning to stay at home instead of going got th o-h . Haiis , scored so badly , but hope i could go in zhenghua or at least greenridge or hg . Hmmm , 2 more weeks to go overseas , cant wait :D. Hehehe , SnowsSnows! :D. Okkkays , played maple today, bored , lv 5 up times . :p. Fb , scrolled up n down . Okays, its 4am naw , LOL . Gtg , night (:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey .. )': . Back from school . Got my result . Eff'ingly sucks although its 200 abv. Dad is like so dam sarcastic , keep saying bad things . ): Too bad , i cant get an iPhone. But this yr like drop so much . =x. 291 become 282 . At least i scored better then sis ? :D. Hmmmm, i improved by 14 marks . :l. I should be happy or sad ? Argh, forget it . Like whad zhen said , fact is a fact , we cant change anything . Mostly of mah friends scored like 170+ , 180 +, 190 + . >.> Highest in class 230 , Raudza , wthhh . Im dam jealous. Lols, okayyy , gtg . Bye . Btw , grats those who score sooo gd :D

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halo :D . Went GTP just nw , it was boooring . :l. Won nth. Den take pic, etc . Den jody was choosen to be th princess while Indra is th prince . Hahaha , grats :P Den finished at 730 :D. Went home to colleeeeect KEITH's bag and other's umbrella , den went blooock 766 to play block catcccching with Yuzhen, Jody, Danielle, Ruqoyah , Keith , Yvette , Joreen :D. It was dam fun . We ran from 2-10th floor finding dem . Den at 8th floor keith and yvette get scolded by an aunty fer makin noises :D. Dennnn , we went door bell ringing, lol . We rang like alot of hse den we ran :D. Although its like "LAME" but funfunfun ! :D . Den wnt minimartttt . Bought drinks , walked home , chit-chat :D. Reached hm 9 . Bathed , dinner , tv , comp :) . Playing maaaaaaaaaplestory naw . Its kinda BORING. But i've nothing to do :D. Awww,sheet! Tmr is result day :/ Im so dam fucking nervous and scared .): Wish me good luck peeps ! Hope i would get 230 ? :P Hahahaas , think positively right . Alrighty . Btw , good luck every p6 :))) . Okayyys, gtg . Nighty !

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hohoho,hiiiii.Went Dan's house at 1pm . Watched movie , or didnt really watch , :p chatting away , :D. Hehehehe, den we went lesson at 3pm . Almost late :p. Den i dont really understand what th hell is th teacher teaching, and i find guitar kinda boring naw cos i dont understand . :p Hehehe . Den went aries , bought hair spray , den pasar malam buy smth for th phoneee . Den home, bath , tv , fb . Downloaded mapleee . :P . installing naw . Gona play soooon . <3. Hmmmm , den boredboredbored. :P. Heyyyyy , dad went KL work till tmr night then back . :p Hope th flight delay or smth . Hahahaha, i know im badddie , but i srsly hate him :D. Okayyyyyy , hmmm . Wed got GTP . Dreads th day aft GTP . ): . Hope i get 220 abv :D. Okkkay , gd luck everyyyone! Gtg , nightty.
Heys,:D.Sorry for not updatin ytd . Went SunPlaza ytd with mom and sis . Bought a blouse and ate at ThaiExpress . Im so gona stop buying clothes! :D. Den home . Urmm , today dam bored . Modem spoiled , tmr den th singtel peeps send new one . So ,no internet . Using th donger , lols . dk how spell . Ahaa ,:p. Den went lot 1 with mom . Watched harry potter . Kinda boring show. Den went mac . Bought like 3 meals just for th monopoly game . Im sucha money waster . LOLS. Okayyyy, den home . Facebooking naw . Okayyys, tmr no sch . Going Danielle's house to watch movie, den go guitar lesson . Okayyy, gtg . Nighhhht :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Heys.Had so much fun ytd.Stayed back in school till 2pm.Hugged each other, took photo, chit-chat, etc. Actually wanna take with Miss Go. But she went home. )':. Nevermind, still got today.:D. Den went Bugis with Jody's mom, Jody, Danielle and Ruqoyah.Bought things..den walk arnd for like 3 times, wth . XD. Den went lot 1 , actually wanna buy cap, but den not nice. Den duwan . Den went stagmont with Jody,Danielle and Zhen . Danielle and I stayed lesser than 5mins, LOL.:P. Den walked home, bath,dinner, facebook. :D

Later going Graduation day .. peeps, im so gona miss you . Lets have fun, take pic . :D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Heys.Back from SunPlaza with mom :D. Went thr to buy things. Bought a blouse,2 shorts and some assesories . Yayyys. :D. Now , im struggling and wondering which to wear for GTP . Wthh , hahas. :l. Chatting,chatting,msnmsn, :D. Boring. Uhhhhh , tmw is th last day of school! >.<. 360mins . Yeahhhs, 6hours. Gona be crazy, laugh, speak, chitchat, hangout , whatever . With ALL mah friends ;). But i think im so gona go crazy till i let tcher scold. Hahahahas, okayys, 11pm alr. Sleeping soon . Bye .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Heys.Had so much fun today.Went to Keith's house at 2.30pm. Practiced guitar at first for like 30mins. Den bored, so decided to make MV. In th end went crazy, laughing, chattings. :D.Heehes. Den quarrel over th music book cos we mixed up.:l.Lols.Den Keith's granny give us cakes . Ate, den watch Mara Clara. I dont even understand a single thing!Lols.Uhmmm , den went home. Yvette and Danielle shared umbrella with me :D. Loools. We pushing and snatching for th umbrella and i shouted in th middle of th road for funnn . Muhahahas. Actually, we aint wanna th umbrella. We just dw our guitar to get wet, LOLS.:PPP.Hehees, den went home at 6pm. Bathe, facebook. Dk what to eat for dinner. What mom cook really sucks. Idw eat. Ltr maybe go down and buy food with sis. Btw, today is mom's bdae. :D. Ltr gt cake to eat .:>. Btww, happy birthday mummyy! ((: . Okayyyys, gtg.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Heyyys.Guitar lesson was fun . :D. On th way to MRT station met Aice,May,Jessie .. den saw Mdm NG! Wthhh . Den Danielle was avoiding, HAHAHA. :p. Den learnt 2 songs. But my fingers really pain cos need press very hard, ): . Den when lesson end, i was like, WTH ? 1 hour ? This seems like 30 mins. LOL. :p. Haahas . Den went home . Practised. Tmr going practice with vet and nielle at stagmont :)))). Okayyyys,byee .
Heyy.Just came back from school.Had lunch . Hmmmm, going bath soon den head off to YewTee MRT to meet Yvette,Danielle for guitar lessons . :D. Today is th firsttttt lessson . Hope it will be funn . :P. JHahaas . Actualy going Haz's house to play Teacher-Teacher . But Danielle donwanna go . So came home . Bleahhs.Nothing really happened in school today.Got assembly, th knowledge quiz thingy. Monoceros wonnn :D. Den wnt back class . Spilt class. Went to 6B1 , ==. Did nothing. Teeasing May for fun cos i was BORED.:P. Den chitchat, aft tht dismissal . Slacked at th bench waiting for Yvette to write smth till 1.20 den walked home with dem .:P . Okayyys, gtg . Update ltr. [;

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Heyyyyys.Bored again.<:.Wakaka.Watching NannyDaddy at mommy's comp. Hahaas. Later going to OSSIA Music School with mom to sign the thingy for parent's consent.:p.Parents now not at home, they went outoutout. :D . Yeahhhh . Awww,shit . Tmrw gort sch . Ewwwwwwww . But im freaking excited cus tmr gt guitar lesson . Muhahahaha . Okiie . Bored to DEATH again . -.-. Gtg,buaiis .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Heyys.Bored.Hmmmm,went lot 1 with Yvette and Danielle at 3.30pm.Signed up for the guitar lesson and bought guitar.Haahas,its like so fun.<:.Loools.Cant wait for Monday!:D.Heehe,but the guitar is like so big, and we'll be carrying around every Monday?! Omg.Just now when i was walking,den knock here knock there,LOLS.Den ppl keep looking at me.:P.Haahas,im crazy now.Weeet,msging Danielle,chatting on fb.:D.Boreddddd.Today nothing happened.At school went comp lab till 12.15pm.Surfing internet,hmm.Scrolling up facebook.UpAndDown,UpAndDown.Muhahaha.Den found out by Mrs Rex tht i brought hp.But she didnt say anything and just asked me to keep,hahas.How i wish every teacher was like tht.:P.Hmmmmm,after tht went science fiesta.Didnt really go see all th booth.Only went booth 1 and booth 2.Slacking there till 1pm.Voted for both of the boooth.But in th end, still is the booth 1 won.But i think poster is booth 2. :D.Haaahas,okayyys.Lets end here.Nightty.^^
Heyyy, i know this sucks. But i changed it in school,and no time. :D.Hahahahas,at comp lab 1 now with some of the 6c2's and 6A1.Later at 11.55 will have science fiesta, muhahah.:P.Den dono at 4pm going with Yvette to lot 1 for buying guitar and reqisterrrrr.(:.Haaahaas,im so excited to learn guitar.:p.Lesson starts next mon.Cant wait,Bahahaha.Bored.Facebook,scrolling up and down,so decided to change template.HAHAHA.:D.Okayyys, gtg..Byeee. :]

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Heyyyy,bored.Opened a blogshop with Keith,http://ThSoftToys.blogspot.com . :D. Earning money, trying hard to find money to buy guitar. <:. Heheee,Lools.Boreddd.I need $10 more to buy guitar.weeee. :D.Hope i could sign up for the lesson with Dan,Yvette,Nichelle and Kritika too!Sad,mom dont let,insisted in saying that my friends are all gangster, and said that guitar is useless.So what if its useless, at least i can have fun ? Or else what ? Wait till i die, then regret ? Haha,epic. <:. Boreddd. Come visit my blogshop kayys,gtg. (:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hallo.Using comp instead of lappy.Yeahh,taken back,hmm.Went p6 Forum with Danielle,Keith,Yvette.Had so much fun.Haaha,they came my house at 1pm,den they order mac.Den eat, play truth or dare,:D.Soo fun.Hehee,(:.Den went Forum,dk if Mrs Hanna saw me,barely listened to the speaker,was smsing,chatting with the person beside me,HAHA. (:. Fun times yeahhh,LOOL.Den went home,bath,dinner,facebooking.Not really loads of notifications,freaked me out,bored.Hmmm,tmr friends coming house to watch movie,play,pizza-ing. :D. Sure will have fun,Hahahas,okie, gtg.Bye.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Heylos.(:.Siannn,back from Toa Payohhh, rebonded hair.Bought clothesXD.ThannnnnksMOM!(:
Hmmmm,got my hair nice and straighhht,love it!:D.Den ate thr..came home arnd, 11pm!LOL.:P.Dad say wanna buy desktop fer me, as in the pc only.Cos we got th monitr and kehboard ler.Heheee,but i waaanaa iPhone.Wthh,just now at MRT, saw like whole family, all using iPhone/Pad.Somemore all iPhone 4G,wthhh,so jealouuus.):.Awww.Boredddd.Nbbm, i surf internet,buaii. (:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Heyyy.Sooo happy.:p. Went pp todayyy with aunt,dad and mom . We booked airtickets to "HaiLongGou".And tht place is like freaaaaaaaaaaaaaking cold and loads of snows, and we will be going skiing on th 2nd day.:p.Weeeeee!~Hahahas,10/12 we'll be going.But th flight is at 2am.:p.LOL.Sooooo exciteeed.Hahahaaaas.Snnnnow,Snnnnow,Snooows!:p.Gona spam my cam with pics.Hehehee,boreddddddd.Ate at coffee shop,sucked.Den went home.:p.Oki,gtg.nighty!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hiiiiiii.:).Bored.Didnt go school,lazy.Muhaha.Stayed home,tv,facebook.Hmmm, cant use comp soon, cos mom taking back, maybe tml.Awww,shucks.Oki,nothing happened today,boring day.Hmmm,tmw going school,okies,gtg.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yooooh.Bored.Went pasir ris beachhh.Fun but hot like hell.XD.Played loads of game,had so much fun.Screaming,HAHA.XDD.Didnt rent bike, cous no time lerh.Den walkedwalked,play.Hehee.Btw, the beach sucks. Alot of seashells, but no litter!Roarrr.But good, we have more time playing,HAHA.XD.Den came home,bath,bath,went out with Danielle and Ruqoyahh.Went to stagmont,den jieying's block, den Danielle's swimmingpool.Chitchat,catching,Hahas.xD.Had fun too.Hmmmm,okies, gtg. Byebyee.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Harlo.Went yewtee with ShaoYinggg.XD.We went to cut fringe.Muhaha.We cut bang, den my fringe is like fvcking short while hers is like nice!:D.Ohmygoddd.Im gona look weird for some time.D: Ohh,gosh!Hmmm,but i heck care.At least still can...HAHAS.:D.Decided to make sandwiches for tmr's BEACH PICNIC, HAHAHA.XD.Lol.Okii, gtg.Watching tv with shaoyinggg,Buaii!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halo.Went lot 1.Went there to eat.Ate at sakae sushi.Hmmm,i bought a beachball for tuesday, maybe playing at th pasir beach thingy.XD.I know very childish,hahas.But really nothing to play alr.No badminton,no playing sands.Heehee,we maybe play beachball or rent bikes.XD.Bahaha.Cant wait for tuesday and GTP!:D.Woohoo.So much events coming up.And tmr gona knoe who shortlisted for the science fiesta!I knoe, we wont be shortlisted,roarrr.Saddening.DD:.Hmm,nbm.At least we donid do, can slackslack,HAHA.XD Lols.I cant wait for tmr!There will be games for us, str8 after pledge taking in the morning!Yayyyyys!XD.Ommmg,School just rock aft PSLE!=D.Okiie , gtg!Nitey!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday- 291010.

Hmmm,went JP for show with Danielle,Yvette,Nichelle.Had fun.Watched 'You Again'.Hahas.Kinda nice movie.XD.Comedy.Den went home at like almost 8.XD.755.My first time,HAHAS.Den nothing much,facebook.Boring night.

Sat - 301010 .

Another busy day!Went lots of places.Afternoon went to Tiong Bahru Plaza with sis. Ate e18ghteen chef with sis. The last last time we eat was like give so less niaa.Den now so many.We eat like left so many den throw . Ahaaa.Cous gona explode, yeah,our stomacheee.XD.Den went arcade,so funnn.Play someting like catch fishhie..Spended like $37 on arcade and $30 on food.So its like $67,partially all wasted,MUHAHA.Den came home at 7.30,mom oso home from extra work le . Den we went JP together.Bought clothes and things for GTP.Hmmm,hiphop its like act gangster rightt.LOL.XD.Den buybuybuy,walkwalk,like 11pm,den headed home.Den bath,tv,facebook.Now typing this.Heheeee.Okie , gtg. Niteyy!(:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Harlo.Came back from school 2 hours ago.XD.Hmmm,so boring in school.I would rather absent mahself!):.Stupiak Mrs Chin!Roarrr.She said no card games,no board games.Haiish,if MrWong is here,i think we still can play,XD.No card,board games.Den play whadd?TruthOrDare!:D.Muhaha.But still boring.I wanna play UNO.XD.Nevermind.Next Mon got EL thingy, we can play games,XD.Den Tue go Pasir Ris Beach!XDD.After litter picking can play!Woot.Sands,(L).Muhah.I wanna play badminton there.But den Mrs Hanna said cannot.Awwww,Freaks!Uh.Nevermind.Bring UNO there.Muhaha.Okies,gtg.ByeX3

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Arlo.:D.Finally, charger repaired.Laptop ish alive again!Wakaka!XD.Thnks dad!:DD.Playing MS now.Miss it.XD,and facebook.Didnt go school today and ytd.Sick.Feverr.Went doct ytd night,got 3 days MC.But going to sch tmw.Cous its miss go's bdae.I forget,i think is tmr if not today.LOLS.XD.Okae..Gtg,bye,LOL.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ello.So tiredd.Went little indiaaa. The stupid field trip. We walked and walked, until 11pm den have break. Wtheck. Other classes can do the henna. But we don't have. Then, we are the ONLY class that walked till mustafa. Lols. Den we must walk back to the starting point, some where called tekka food centre. LOL. Den wen bak sch at 12. Went class talk till 1 den can go home.xD. Hahas. Sick-.-. Sorethroat andd running nose. Roarr. Dono if tmw can go sch nott.:(( hmmm, gtg. Typin this using itouch.:))

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yoooo.XD.Using mom's lappy.The other one cant charge.Charger prob.I never tell them.Muhaha.If not sure get scolding.LOLS.Lack of updates,sryy.XD.Lazy and busy.Lols.Tonight going outtouttoutt.To lot 1.Hehes.Goin to shop for grad tp things..But its like, i still got no idea what to wearrr!>.<.Arghh.Will jeans,shirt,sneakers do?Lols.Whadevaa.Not playing MS cous this lappy don habb,T.T,GTG!Byebye.xD

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Heylo.;).Exhausted leh.Just came back from Stagmont.Went badminton with Jody,Danielle,Yvette.Laughin like idiots.>.<.Hahahas,every single time when im out with them, im sure to be laughing,LIKE MAD. :D.Ohk,bored.AGAIN,BORED.Lawl.Tml dono if going out not..hehe :)).Gtg,byee.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Heyyy.:D.Fun day..Woke up at 11pm.Bath,eat.Den facebook awhile.Den 1.35pm, went down block wait for Hazirahh,:D.Den waitwait, until 2PM, HAZIRAH HAS NOT APPEARED.Wthheck.Den bored,went up.Danielle called me,den went YewTee to find dem^^..Saw Lee Kuan Yew(iLee) & Hadijah at NTUC.Den Haz went in,talktalktalk!Bought KFC with Danielle while Haz buy LJS ..Den went to Danielle's house =D.Watched movie,while eating. =D.Den Lee Kuan Yew n Hadijah came.Continue watching,den boring.Playplay.Pillow fight with iLee.We were laughing like hell,LOL.Tired of LAUGHING!Used up all my energy!Roarr!Den arnd 5+ went out walk :D.Had and Lee went home first.Den Haz and Danielle n me, went to Stagmont. Saw Mrs Chin, she dont recognize us =P.Den wnt to play grnd near 754..Hmm,chit-chat.Play UNO,take pic. HAHA :D.Den 6pm+ lerh..Haz went home . Danielle and me oso home .Walkwalk,chit-chat :D.Den home lor.Bath,eating dinner.=D.Kk,byebye~
Hellooo.=).Stayed up late today as tmw no school.Hahas.Its like, 4AM now.LOL.And im not sleeping.Watching vids,facebooking.LOL.No friends online,hahas.Tmw going Danielle's house with Hazirahh to watch movies,maybe it will be bored.Maybe not. =D.Hehe.Meet Hazirahh at my block at 1.35pm.And i have to wake up maybe 9am.And im still not sleeping yet at 4am,COOL..=D.Okay,gtgg.Nightt~~

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hye,XD.Bored.Didnt go school,hehe.Listening to music on my iTouch.Cant wait for my PSLE results,aww.Boring day.Tmr maybe going out with Danielle to nowhere.Hahas.She went badminton with Yuzhen,Jody .. etc.Bored.Facebook also boring.Scrolling up and down.Arghh.No school for tmr till next week monday due to PSLE marking.Boring week ahead.T_T.Kays,gtg.Bye.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hellos.So bored.Woke up at 11pm.Damn sleepy.Ytd sleep at 4am.Lols.Den eat instant noodle.Den bored.Check up iTouch.Nothing.Listening to musics, ignoring the world.Hahas.So emo.LOL.Facebooking, bloggin,bored.Chatting.Finding songs,anyone ?! D:. Mom said ltr wanna go KBox.Like so bored thr.Dont have songs i like . But im gona sing my heart out, no matter whad.LOL.Okaes, gtg. Byess.
Heya peeps.(:.Today was funnn.Went wheelock with mom and sis at arnd 5pm.Den reached at 6pm.(:.Den went EpicCentre <-- Where the iTouch/Apple things repair shop.Den collect iTouch.While waiting,played with the iPhone 4 there.Spamming people with messages and calling people. Yeap,unknown peeps.;D.Hhaas,den went eat cakes at level 1. Den dad came,fetch us, go PP . Den buy a shirt,hmmm.Den went dinner.Ate porridge,cus kinda full.Den fetch aunt home den dad drove us.Den on th way,when reaching home,dad let sis drive, to train her,as she got her liscence alr.HAHA,grats.o-o.Den she drove. Arnd cck for 30mins.Hmmm,den went Mobile or aka Cheers.Bought things.Den drove again.Went like marsling,kps,sports complex.And load more.Drove like whole cck area.LOL.Den i so scared car accident,muhah . Okae,den home,fb + MS, now its 3am soon .GTG! :D Nighttt .

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hey peepo.:D.Didnt go school today.Bored at home,so called Danielle.Ask her go out.:D.Den went stagmont to play badminton.Fun yeah.With Laila oso.Den after awhile Ruqoyah came :D.Dn we went minimart buy drinks,hahas.Den went back,chit-chat,play.:D.You know what ? My slippers broke,yeah . Dk why. Den heck care first.Play swing,chitchat,till 6.30 :D.Den walked home, yeah, BAREFOOTED. Left th broken slipper at th drain thr,cuz alr spoil ,LOL.Den Danielle go take pic of me .. BAREFOOTED.Awww,shet!And now,she posted it on fb,cool.Lols.Okay,gtg,nightnightnight :D

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Boooooo.(:,School was fun.But one part,really sucks.Went dentist.-.-.Freaks.Got CALLED,not i wan okae.LOL.Den dono do whad to my teeth,den freaking florida smell in my mouth,SHITYOU!Den aft recess,replaced Yuzhen for Captain's Ball.Be th goalkeeper.At first was so nervous,no confident,den slowly confident built up.:DDDD.Then,you know what...6B2 GOT INTO SemiFinals!:DDDDD.Hahahas.Den bored,go back class,home.Got dono what science project,then can set-up store!Yayyy~Bleahs,goin lot 1 with Carin ltr to watch show, The Child's Eyes...:) It gona be SCARYYYYY~ Hahahahas.Den playing water,lols.Kk,busy,bye.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heyloooos.<:. Today was a fun-filled day!Went to stagmont to play badminton arnd 230pm with Keith,Yvette and Busyra.Den playplayplay,funfunfun,laugh,laugh,laugh.Den went minimart , bought drinks. Den i rushed home, they oso home(: Den home, changed pants, dont expect me to wear FBT to lot 1 , lols. Den went lot 1 , arcade with Carin.Saw Shaoying,Javier,Rafael,Yuichui , den forget le .. psps . Den after tht at 4++ went to Rooftop , saw iLee, Aqilah and Rosna . Den played water with them for like 15 minutes, uh. Den my whole body is WET. I didnt even bring clothes, lols. Den dont care, went arcade again . :DDD. Den playplay, till no $$ .. den 6.30 + go home . Walked to Carin's house with her as we eating ice cream ,den cannot take bus . Den on the th way saw Shareef. -.-" . Den shout "______" name to him . He was like so SHY , LOL . Den walked, to Limbang, stucked. Idk how go home .(: HAHAHA . Den took 302 bus. Reached Utee, den home (: Ghaha. Tmrw going school , got captain's ball dono whad. I go support Carin onli . LOL. Den got duno things about sec sch , blahblah .. Den tmrw gona watch The Child's Eye with Carin at 3.20pm . HAHAHA. Im making sure tht Carin Tey will be scared till , pee her pants, lols. Not so exaggerating, but I MYSELF oso scared. >.<>

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heyheyheyheyheyheyhey.(:. Just back from Yew Tee with mummy ! Went thr for dinner . Den bought a small baq, for FUN! :D . Yeahyeahs, i know, im so "RICH" yeah , LOLS. Den went back home , packing bag now . I dont knoe whad to bring to school tmrw so i just bring UNO cards and pencil box . :D Heckcare luh , PSLE over, playplay. (: Btw, i planning to throw all ws away ler. Anyone wanna "Pei" <-- Join , me ? :D Hahahas. Hope tmrw is a fun day, but i dont feel like going to school cuz of the "INTER-CLASS CAPTAIN'S BALL" . Hade it soooo much!): Awww, no choice. Haha . Tmrw afternoon going cycle with Keith ,(: Kkays, gtg , night. Muacks! LOL .

Muhahas, hey . (: Just came back from Wheelock. Went to thr to repair iTouch.In th end, changing a new one becous cannot fix.Thanks godness i got warranty,muhaas.So happy. (: Hmmmm, den went to eat cakes with aunt.Den went home, sat den go collect new iTouch cous need to wait for the new stocks.Muhaha.Okae,bored.Den went YewTee, aunt bought cakes at emi cuz its her bdae. (:. Den i follow, den home . (: Now facebooking, chatting with Danielle, kk . Byes.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bored.Random take.(:
Bleahhhhs.(:.Boredbored.Slacking while tmrw is the last paper,HMT(:.Hahs.Today's Science was seriously easy.Frankly speaking, the booklet was like,easy like sheet!Booklet B got 3-4 questions dono.But i think can get A or B.LOL.Whatever,PSLE is surely , seriously , easier than prelims,thats what i can say!:D.After tmrw, can forget studying,remember playing.:D.Muhah.Maybe going out with Danielle if not Augie, to nowhere :D Maybe mexico or France or America.LOL.Madme,hahas.I dont know.Going to revise HMT soon.Really soon.Yesh, tonight, not now.LOL.Okae,byes.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

LASTLY, MY ITOUCH IS OFFICIALLY SPOILED((((((: . Gona repair it aft PSLE, mayb tues.

- Escape Theme Park.
- Science Centre's Snow City ( Not really want, but if can :D)
- Rebond hair .
- Evryday playyy. :D
- Sentosa.
- Johore :D ( To stay thr )
- Batam ( To stay thr )

(s) SCIENCE (s)
Hoho,heyhey,its me again.(:.Just came back from YewTee.Hmm,went there to buy things at the night market, so call "Pasar Malam".Bleh.><.Den came home lor.Lols.I planning to buy iPhone 4 next year (: Yesh, i checked.The plan is only 30+ and the new plan + phone = $580(:.Hope dad buy for me.Yeah.Boredbored.Tmrw is science paper.For mostly, its THE LAST paper.For me,its not.):.Still got HMT.Aww,shit.I feel so unfair,lols.But if get merit, the aggregate add 2 marks.Distinction 3 marks.Its like so useless,lols.Anyway, gtg study.Goodluck everyone for Science ! :D

Friday, October 8, 2010

Boooo :D. New mixpod, skin :D. Not really satisfied with the skin.The font ish like super small.But i think u guys can see it right.Not BLIND?Lols.Joking:D.Today had MT paper 1 and 2. Its like , all the papers so EASYH! :D.Maybe i think so.Hmmmm.But mom's friend said the maths hard.I find it kinda easy.Especially the 5 marks questions.Hmmm.PSLE is coming to an end. 2 more papers to go. 4 more days.Finally, 50% of suffering is over.Luckily today is Friday, if not im gona die.Lols.I wonder,wonder,wonder! Next monday, the school, will be like, everyone just released from JAIL! Lols :D. Cant waitwait, to go outoutout with every single one of my friend.LOL.Okae, gtg revise science :) Bye

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Booo ! Second day of PSLE :D Enjoyed it. LOL. Yesterday's english was quite english. Hmmmm.Den maths still okay.But got confident can get 30+/60 for Paper 2 :D.Hopefully, can pass.Duh.LOL. Tomorrow is chinese paper :D. Currently revising.Workin super hard. Just to get 220 , maybe grade A A C B or whatever, can get in ;DDD. Hope so . ): Mr Tan said No D can get into Express, HAH . Hope so uh. Just wanna go unity :)).Choosing sec school is still long way ahead, focus on PSLE :D. Good luck for tomorrow's MT paper everyone ! :D . For me, 3 more papers to go ^_^ After tues can plae. Woooootz~Okae, gtg.Maybe wont update tomorow~ Buhbye~

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Boooooo . :D Just came back from YewTee :D. Went thr for dinner . :)). Bought 3 iPod cover, Purple,luminous greeeeeny andd pink ! :D . Changechange and useuse. LOL. 3 more days to PSLE, and yesh , 10 more days to freedom ! Wootz . Can do anything i wannnn ! I wanna a iPhone so badly ! ): I wanna i wannna! Im really working hard right now . Studying, revising. All i can do . Just to get 220 . So tht dad can get me an iPhone . :D God, help me oso . :(. SADDDD. T.T Chatted with Augie, blah . Bought new sch baq . Lols. Okae, gtg, bye . 11pm le. Tmr school . Muz wake up early. ):

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Heyyou ! Lack of updates . Busy with studies , revising :D. Teacher given 22 sets of worksheet , thats cool uh ? =). Lols. Doing some revision for maths and science. Haven even touch on chinese and el . But, dont need to worry so much . As im not really weak in chinese and el . Focus on maths and sci . :D. Currently my maths improving. :)))). Did a work given by tuition teacher , almost every questions noes how to do . :D . Den sci , still okae . Now, i love MA,EL,SCI,CHI :D. Muhaha . Aft PSLE , We'll be officially announced tht we have WON the competition for beating up the MA,EK,SCI,CHI . Lols. Madmadmad, hmmm . 3 more daes to PSLE :D 10 more days to RELAXXXXX . I bet, im going out every single dae ^.^ . Hmmmm . Yesterdae did a MASS study at lot 1 library ;x . Went thr arnd 10.15am with Carin . Den cuz haven open mah , den we went arcade seee see . Den 10.45am went down library . Peepo queuein up . Shocked sias. Den when opened, everyone rushed in >-< Den ate lunch at 1pm at KFC, den arcade,walk, study, home :DDD. Maybe tonight going out to studeh at lot 1 library or stay at home . Blahblah , gtg. Secretly used lappy. When boredm strikes, WHO CARES ! LOLOL . Gtg revise ~ Byebye!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heyyyy!:D.Didnt post for awhile.Cuz laptop officially confiscated on last Sunday till PSLE ish overrrr!T.T. I secretly used.Cant resist temp to use facebook ~ LOL. Yesh, and MS :D. But not playing tht till PSLE is overrrr~ One more weeks. 6 more days, to PSLE first written paper:D.Goodluckk all! God bless 220 for PSLE ~ Hahas. Just for me, a simply wish, is to go in Unity Sec's express . ): Hahas. Must work hard lo ! Urghhh. 12 more days to freeeedom ! Yeshhh!! (L) Waiting and waiting ~ HAHA . Okae, gtg . Tonight gt tuition , byes ~

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hey.Boredboredbored.:).Just back from outside ~ Went shopping lor.Bought a new tee with hood.:).Den dinner,home. :D. Now fb, blog.Blahs. Going MS soon ~ Yesh. MAPLESTORY . (:. Lols. After PSLE can plae till comp explode ~~~ (L) .LOL. But sadly mommy taking back laptop of smth . Hope dad buy me a new one or fix the desktop ~ HAHAS. :D Okae. Boreddd.Gona sleep soon.Tmr no tuition :D. Changed it to Wed 8pm ~ Cuz tml dono tuition tcher wanna go wht F1 ? LOL. Of cuz, TO WORK ~ NOT DRIVE . HAHAHAHA . PSLE is in 1weeks time. And, i dont feel nervous or smth . But kinda scared <: . I think others think like tht oso right ? RIGHT?! LOL. Sometimes i feel like studying , sometimes not . :X Weird mindset, hahas. :). Okay, gtg. Byeeeeee>

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kkkk.Didnt update for some time.Busy.2 more weeks to PSLE. And it really suck. 2 more weeks of suckish daes. ): Boredbored.Didnt go school todae.Stayed home..): Ytd played candles at arnd th void deck near mah house.Den bored.Home.Homework.Sleep:)..Till now she ... )= Nevermind.Argh.Bored to death.Stresss like hellllll.Studying sooner.Mayb ltr, sianz. PSLE come faster lahs. 2 more daes lahs.LOL. Btw, Paper 1 n Paper 2 on the same dae, realli stressing me out. Nevermind,gtg,boreddieme~ Bye.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jyeah , hie ! xD .Yesterdae didnt update, lazy la. You wanna read so much ? Tsktsk ~ Lols, jokieh :D.Okae ytd night went WestMall,den ate at Swensen .. den end th dae . LOL.Den todae . Juz now went Yew Teh with sis and mummie :). Ate at LJS den went NTUC,buybuy.Den home sweet home. Den chiong homwork . HAHA ;). Now going sleep, update abit nias.Okae, den walaos . Not fair ): Sis gona rebond her hair tmrw . But den cuz i got supp + cannot dont tie hair . So cnt go ): Awwww.Fvck!Lols.But den nbm :D My hair still straightstraight. :) Unlike sis, so dam curly. LOLS. Hahahas . Oki whatever. Sry for vulgar,HAHA . Gtg, nites!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hey!:D.So bored.Today morning woke at 630am.Den makemake,den go meet Fathin.Den went school for PSLE LC.Blah.Keith apologize to me.Den i also.Den blah.PSLE Lc is like so dam freaking stress.-.-Even LC also so HARD.Lols,kinda lah.Okae,blah.Den after school raining, den went Eco Pond with Carin and Augie.Den i just , in the rain, catch th fishes for fun.Same to Carin and Augie.Den blahblah,nothing,went home,bath,facebook,:)) HAHAH . Okae, bye.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Heyheyheythere,:).Urm, yesterday night chatted and msq with Yuzhen:D.The moment really rocks.Hahahas.Den today had sucha fun day.Omg.Laughlaughlaugh, stomach almost burst.HAHA:D All thanks to Gowri,LOLS.We play and play,den i accidently threw the raq until outside the window till the court there,LOLS.Den duncare.HAHA:D.Den complain teacher cuz people throw pen at her den the ink spill,blah,actually fake, we were sabo-ing only._. . LOLS. Toobad, who ask "HIM". lols.Den went minimart to photocopy a new set of paper,lols. Cuz got ink at dhe old oneoneone.Den while walking, saw miss go at coffee shop,whatever.Lawlsss :/ Den so bored now.Tmr having PSLE LC. Omfg,PSLE coming,freak.And btw, today got our Report book. Got all sorts of grades.A,B,C,D.Lawls:/.My aggregate 190.Damn freaking LOWLOWLOW!))): Gona work hard,HAHAS<3 Den got loads of homework, cuz tmr no lesson:D.Okae,gtg,bye.((:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hey,today had a fun day.:D.Lesson was bored,lols.But then after school,went to the Eco Pond thr and plae with Joreen,Fathin and Auqie. We "Saved" fishes tht were outta th land.Den me n Joreen tried to "Catch" the guppies. LOL.Den we go n play a thing idk what.Can turn.I think is spoiled stool.LOL.Den got muddy muddy one.Den we add all th leaves n flowers,like baking cakes.Adding ingredients,HAHAHA. LOL.Den went canteen buy smth.Den walked home with Auqie n Fathin.Den on th way,saw damn loads of kittens/cat.Den Fathin grt phobia.So we walk home first while Auqie plae.;).Lols.Den blah,now doing homework+tv((: kae,bye .

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hai!:DBtw,ytd night went to YewTee.Blah,eat at LJS.Den went NTUC again,den gg home((:.Den did mah homework till 2am,:D Realli killing.And in th end,today dunid hand in d. -.- LMFAO.Orbiquek lo,Shermaine.LOL.Okay,whatever,today had school.So damn boring. Uhm,blahblah.Den had PE, not fun.xD.Den got homework,wtf.Carin got iPHONE;(.I wanna too. This is killing , to wait for PSLE to over, Eeeee! PSLE sucked. Den summore from term 4 onward qt study blah duno what in dh morning.No more slackin in hall le.Kelian,sadsad. Den blah,Whole wk no supp .But den Fri gt hmt.HAHA:D.Den nothing much.Helping Edward to lv up in maple,kinda bored.Blah,gtg,revise+help edward+homework,Bye((:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

HHeyhey . :D Todae kinda busy. ((: Early afternoon, or even, evening , arnd 5pm, went tuh YewTee with mom.Den met mom's friend, den sit down at Koufu, den took lunch :D <- Kinda LATE for lunch.And whatever i eat, its so suckish.Freaking smelly speghati (idk hw spell) den i eat halfway den thrw :D. Den went NTUC, buybuybuy :D,den saw Jody with 2 ppl. Parents or what.Den walk away,home((: Den did mah homework,den went out lot 1 :D . Mom said wanna buy mooncake.Den walk arnd,see see, den in th end didnt buy,HAHA. Den went eat at Ajisen arnd 9.40+ den went arcade :D,took neoprints wit mom,fer fun :) HAHA . <3>

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hello.Didnt update ytd, whatever.Todae had tuition at 12pm till 2pm.Den bored.Did some homework.Tmr mayb going library with sis to do homework.Hahas.Seee, i so hardworking,LMAO. >< LOL.Joking na!xD Okae,going out ltr to eat dinner.Whatever.Btw, Selamat Raye to all muslims :D Okae,gtg . Buhbyeeee.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hihihi :D . Omfgomfg . Just found out tht Miss Go called me ; ((: . She called home. Den i see th number, like so STRANGE to me . :D But lyk so familiar. Like frm KPS.:> LOL:/ Den idk, never pick up. :D . Den she called mahh mom. Tell her about dhe homework , awwww . First time call me / mom . LOL. Omfg. <3>:D . Lols. Ohk , gtg. ((: ✔✔✔✔ Damn happyy . <333 \m/ ROCK-ED :D!

Heyheyhey, :)) . Downloadin Maple . Ltd didnt download properly. LAME!): . Using Edward's facebook account to view someone's profile ; ((: Sweeet!:D Hahahas. Thanks,Edwarddd! :>. Okay. Really bored now. Eh,oh yea. Ltr while doing homework, got one chinese comprehension wrote duno how many percent of ppl who get bored easily die faster,LOOL.Seriously,ITS REALLY BORED((:. Gotago ,bye.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heyya, so weird. I update on tue den become monday. LOL. Got problem ah. :P LOL.Doing the mood spoiler thing now . ((: Homework lah . Doing comprehensioooon . )):Ohk. Watching tv at th same time . And downloading MapleStory. Cous Edward asked me to give him $$ . -.- Give liaos den delete le, NO more playin ((: Ltr addicted, den die for PSLE. LOL. Ohk, gtg. 10 more daes to PSLE Lc(((: Goodluck everyone !:D
Ellooos :D Back from school ((: So bored in school . Mr Tan like so fierce and idk how describe . He asked ppl to get out of his class. :/ LOL. Like what, so scary ): Uhm . School was fine. Nothing much ((: But lots of homeworks, again :D. Thanks goodness, tmr last day,HAHA,:D. LOL. Ouhk.So weird . Like some people come and comment on mah blog , den the link they gave is like, fianance web ,wipe URL web, whatever,LOL .Weird:O. Okah.Gtg , bye (((:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back here posting,yeahyeah.((: Just helped Augie to edit blog, hope she like it . :D.LOLS.Okay, doing the freaking homework now.4 Comprehension to complete,completed 3((: LOL.Suffering.Still got iExcel haven do, omg!:D. I think u're wondering why im using comp when i haven even do my work. Lemme tell u . Cous im boredbored :DD. LOL. Ohk . Just went down with mom to minimart,buybuy.Idk why, just wanna follow.Too bored to be at home . HAHA . =) . Ohk . Nothing much , tmr got school , i go do work liaos. Bye <3
Heyya there. (: Just came back from the freaking study camp and the focus group.Its so damn boring. ): Im gona die there!T.T . I turned mah mood to holidae mood :D . Den summore got studycamp. Study = mood spoiler. :PP.LOL. Okay.So boreeeed.Got damndamn looooads of homework today, gona die,right now.): LOLS. A whole stack of chinese newspaper homework,whatever.Den chinese comprecomprecomprehension, and a mock paper,den maths focus grp the paper whole set den Maths iExcel, den science -_-. Iznt this KILLING ?!): Whatever. 28 MORE days to sufferrrr x) Aft tht relazxc, den result come out = die. (((: Yeah,LOL.Mylifesucks. x( Okay,gotago,Homeworkk time. Ciaoooooz , UPDATE ltr (:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jhey,yeahyeahyeah.:DPostpostpost,who cares.Myblog,my account,my everything. :D So damn lazy to update mah diary ; yeah, lazy to write ^^ Just came back from Westmall lo . :P Watched the freaking show, kinda bored. Like what freak,so touching,whatever,lame!lol.uhh,then went YewTee;Fairprice,buybuybuy:D Mummyyh bought crabb and den my fav B&J Caramel icecream,LOL.Den walk walk home :D Haven pack baq,tmr got schoool.Naggings,scoldings,talking, from teachers:D I wonder if they would survive without water?LOL.Whocares.LOL.Uhk,GTG dinner :D Cyas
So damn bored till wannna updateupdateupdate,:)).Uhuh.Gota watch movie again.:D,whatever,Love Cuts. :O. I wanna watch VAMPIRES SUCKS but then NC16. -.- Freako!): Lols.Uh,whatever.Im so damn bored now.Tdy no tuition^^ Cancelled it.:D Muhaha. Next wk Fri got.Den Sun dont have,yayy^^Lols.Sians,haiiz,gtg soon.Tmr got soon,Fvck.I dontwant!)): . :S. Tooo bad. PSLEPSLEPSLEPSLE!): Please come faster,end now,relax,play ^^
PSLEPSLEPSLE = Pleaseplease stopstop learnlearning everydaeday!:D ; Hahas,okae,gtg,ciaos.=)
Heyhey freakers, wanna spam ? Get the fvck off. :D . Spamming all sorts of nonsence and whatever, LOSER :)).Put yr name ah . LOSERS . Assholic . No life. :DDD.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Heyyy.:D Hows my new skin ? ;D ; kinda plain , i knowknowknow.:D. Well,who cares?Plain are nicer ; jyeah . :D Ouhk,just wanted to tell u abt this skinn . :D Buhbye. ; <33
Hehhey!:D.Just came back from WestMall.Watched 'HauntedChanqi'. Its like,damn not scary and so boring.:/No ghost whatever.Like some nias.Lols.Ouhk.Its kinda boring.Btw,going out tonight again.^^Yayyyy.Lols.Uh.Tmr got tuition and mondae got school,which really sucks.Didnt do the homework for tuition.And heard tht school got damn loads of homework,4 set of science.:O.Omfg.Gona suffer reeeeeally soon.)):.Awwww.Left like no more freedoms,studystudustudy.:O.Luckily,iLOVESstudying.:D A lil,duh!Except science,whatever.>:(.Uhm.Gotaqo now.Ciaoz!=)
Heyheyheyh.Gona watch 'Haunted Changi' at Westmall cinema ltr at 3.55pm. :D I bet it gona be a NICE show!>:D. But kind of scary cous its 7th month. ))): Neverminddd . Take out ur courage,braveness. :D LOLOL . Whatever. Uh. Facebook is kinda boring. ):. And btw, today got no MRT. Like what fvck . Neeeda take taxi. Eh. Next mon got schoool . So BORED. Wl. One wk holiday = 3 days need school. Freak!): Uhhh . Somemore till 2pm. Got focus grp.Yuck.LOLS.Ohk.Gota,bye.:D Update muorr lata ;D

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heyheyouyou.X).Got back all of our results except Maths and HMT Compo. :O Wanna noe my results ? I know. Dam baddd!)): Ltr tell ue . Uhm . Todae morning got Teachers dae celeb. Quite fun ? :O. Lols. Wishes all teachers in KPS a happeh tchers' day. :DDDDDDD. Den had Aces dae exercise. Dance what JumpJam. LAME!LOL.I was stonning thr. Laughing at Raudza. For beinq so Hypr-active. :D HAHAHAS. Btw, yayyyy! tmr no schoool <3 Muhaahaa!((: Maybe going out with mummmmmmy!Ouhk . My results areee :
Englishhh : 65/100.
Chinese 83/100.
Maths : IDK.:)
Sciences : 58/100.
HMT 41half/60. x)

Nehhh.All so bad. Dam not satisfied with Chinese. -.- I SHOULD HAVE GOT A*. Stupid me. So many mistake. Dam!):

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hohoho.:DDD. Today had so damn much loads extreme fun. :D. Went to Johore with aunt,mum and sis.Bought damn loads of things. I buqht a pair of shoes, new specs and a new school schoool baqq. :D.Coool eh. The specs is done in 1 half hr. LOL. First time seeee da speeeeed so fust!=D.. Lols.I spent like 400 ringgit. Its like SGD 200. LOL.:D.Like who cares,spendspendspend!:DD.HAHAHA .Okay.Gtg.(; Chatting with some friends in MSN. Buhbyyyeee. <3

Friday, August 27, 2010

Heyyya,:))).Today got our EL marks. Highest in class 70,LOLS. I got 57/95.:(.Den today got HMT.Got our marks for Bklt A of MT. Got 42/46. :D Gt 2 wronqs,-.-.Uhm.Some fucking people spammed my cbox. :)).If want spam den write uer name,assholes.Hope u die faster.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Heyyyyyuhh!:D.Today had so much fun in school without those doggies.:)).Today's chinese paper was so dam easy!I think can score.:D.Uhhh.Yesterday's Maths paper!>:(.So dam hard lo.Maybe get 40+ nias.Hoping a pass.:D.Tmr got science,awwww!)): And somemore got hmt!Yeah!But today Miss Go didnt come schoooool. She's sick again,maybe tmr she'll come, if no hmt. :D.Hahahas.Tonight got tuition.Haven done the homework tht she gave,LOL.XD.Uh.Gtg.Ciaoz!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Heyyyya.So dam fun today.Had english paper,was quite easy.Aiming for 70-80x).Hopeso,HAAHAA . Uhhh,so shit lor. Compo got 25half/40.I wrote so good siaaas.So bad,Prelim's standard so shitass.Uh.Now writing like tht mz use more phrases,ASS!X((.Should have got 31,Awwww.Nvm.Den art class,more funnier,LOL.The teacher let us revise our own work.Then we started chattinq,LOL.Dam weird,i was laughing then suddenly the specs fly off and the one of the lenses drop off,LOLLOOL.Hope cnt fix den can buy new one,HAHAHA.But surely get scolded,LOL.Sians,tonight got tuition 8-10pm,LOL.So tired eh!Tmr maths paper.^^ ILOVEMATHS,MUHAHA.Hope i passpasspass!xP.Btw,didnt go chinese study group today cous my specs lenses,then now cant see anything,like so blurry,:((I wanna go de leh,AWW!D:.Uhk,gtg revise,study,eat lunch,buhbye.Ohmygrandma!My tuition homework not done,LOLOL.Shittttt!GTG,Byebyebye!<333

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Heyyhey.:)Finished tuition at 5.10pm.x)Delayed the teacher 10min,Muhaha.LOL.She's coming next week,Tue and Thur,OhShit!):But mom gave me a rest day on next Sun.Yayyyy!XD. Muhahaa.And she gave damn lots of homework,FREAK!Must gota finish it by today or tmr.Surely school also give alot.At least i finished my school work and some of the work she gave,Phewww!>_<.Ohyeah,tonight going lot 1 buy new stationeries.Maybe buying new calculator,cous like no batt,den mom said just change batt,i insisted to buy a new one,MUHAHA.X)Scarely Wed calculator spoil,I'll be crying there,LOL.Hope tmr get back Prelim's compo marks,X)))).Ohhk,Gtg study and do have dinner.x) Goooodbyee. <3

Saturday, August 21, 2010

[c=36]Heyyyya,So bored now,stayed at home the wholeday,luckily ltr going out.x).Did mockpapers,homeworks,study.Den facebook,tv.:D.Hahaha . Finally Danielle is back to facebook,YAYAYYY <3.HAHAH.Okeh,gtg,chat,Btw,cant wait till PSLE over,going out everyday,skipping schools,MUHAHAA,LOL.Okeh,Gtg.Cya(:[/c]

Friday, August 20, 2010

Heyhha.x)Today had MT oral,ytd EL.Quite easy,hope i get high marks,god bless.x).Uh.Nxt wk have Prelim exam liaos,sianz.Haiish,must study alr.Aft Prelim is PSLE,den Relax.:D.Yayyy,hope PSLE come sooooner!GodBless i get flying colours for prelims and psle,Goodluck everyone toooh.Now doing sci mock paper and watching tv,okay,Gtgx)Byebye.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

HeyHey!XD. Today`s oral is quite good ? Uhhh.I do talk alot?x) But the conversation so dam funny.Dehy ask me if i have enough sleep,like what shit.LOL.X)Den i anyhow answer . Hehehe . Den Yuzhen accidently go kick the examiner,Muhahaha.Tmr is chinese oral.Goodluck.x)F O C U S. Gtg revise,Ceeyaaaa!<3

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hehehehes.Heyhey!Haven sleep,donwan to sleep.x)Uh.Lets say abt this freaking unlucky day,LOL.It was ytd, 17 Auq,Tue.Happened aft recess.MrsHanna brought us back to class,while walking back at th gallary back thr,the rough floor,Augie pused me and i fell.Fell,nevermind,Augie still push me.Den my leg scratched the floor thr supah hard,den cous Mrs Hanna said who make noise,den i quickly stand up act like as if nothing happen,while all th boys were laughing.-.-Wtf.Den went back class,flipped up my pinafold,saw loads of blood on my knee.Freak.Den wiped using tissues,dam pain.Den had supp in th afternoon,supah pain,LOL.Today still pain ah!Like got one hole on my leq,the skin drop off.Den got a lil blood.Ewwww.Scary.LOL.Okehokeh,mom is back,Gotago!x)))))
Heyya.x)Busy lately,sry.Uh.Best of luck for tmr's PSLE oral,p6s.So nervous eh.But i think i can do well,cous just now practice alr.Haha.Coughing and coughing,sian.Scared tmr read halfway then cough,haiis.Like goin to sick soon.Hopefully bless me until after Prelim's Exam k!xD.Just finished all my homework.Still got tuition homework.Next wk got 3days of tution,sians.Uhh.Tmr morning meeting Fathin at 6.40am,siaos.So early,i think im sure gona be late.XOXO.Uhh.Tmr is take EL Oral.x) Hope i talk supah loads till teacher impressed.Hahahas.So sad,my prelims did so badly!T.T

Cl oral : 38/50.
El Oral : 17/30 (FREAK!)
CL Listening compre : 20/20^^
CL Compo : 28/40. (Dam low)
Haven get back El compo.
Hope i get 30+x)

Hahaaaa.Okayyy.Gota go soon,wanna sleep liaos.Brb,take medicine.Ceeya.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Heyya .<3.Today had compo exam.El wrote 4 pg.Cl wrote 3 pg.Hope i dont get out of point,:P.Today no HMT.Miss Go didnt come school,awwww. Get well soon,LOL. Watching tv now.46 more minutes to break fast(for malays).Hah,Goodluck.BoredBoredBored.Danielle,Ruqoyah,Yvette and Keith was banned from using facebook,LOL.I mean by,forcing themselve to think tht they're banned.LOL. Nobody to chat with now,maybe should quit FB too.XD.Msgs also no reply.Duno whats wrong with them.LOL.Okeh,gtg.Byebye.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Heyyyyyyya!xD Today had th EL and CL listening compre . Quite easy ? Smooth going? Hah!LOL . Tmr gona hab EL n MT paper 1 .Goooood luck everyone! <3 Uh , today got god dam loads of homework , but i dont even bother, LOL . Maybe doing it later. Hah . Today supp extended one hour till 3.30pm , den MrsHanna brought us out Gate A to seee YOG thinqy, nothing much , LOL . Now facebooking and MSN-ing , uh. Gtgg revise compo , buhbye .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heyheyhey, yo!:P Didnt go play Bball.:p . Went to court, then Yz says she need to go home cous mom asked her. Den Keith wanna go MacDonald to buy food for her mom . Den Keith fell down while riding bike to yew tee.LOL. She injure her knee. Good luck, LOL. So bored now, still haven do homework, Lazy!X= . Okeh . I go slackslack, tonight going Juronq Point. Gtg, byebye.
Hey yoo! So bored now. Mom on phone, i got nothing to do . Haven eat. Later going play basketball with Yuzhen and Keith. I hope i'll be a fun one ? x) Hah . Nothing to post also . Uhmmmm . Haven finish homework, omfg. The chinese mock paper .Dam it. Will finish it ltr when i comeback , HAH! Okay , gtg. Bye ♥

Monday, August 9, 2010

Yooooooh!Just came back from CCK Park! Said so, went out with Danielle and Ruqoyah . Met Danielle at MRT den travelled to lot 1 . Shop around minitoons while waiting for Ruqoyah!We played the SPECS selling there.LOL! Then Ruqoyah said she cant come cous she SUFFER in traffic jam! Hah! Den we went popular and went to CCK park. :p. Did our homework FIRST okay! Den suddenly Ruqoyah came. LOL. Nice sias. Played the SWING there. Making me dizzy lah! LOL. Den played catching while walking home . Then Danielle and Ruqoyah followed me home. We walked up and down the block! From 17th floor to 3rd floor! :P LOL. Had so much fun . And i realised that the sceneries when you go up to 17th floor really rocks. AND SCARY! Onces fall, Seeya. Haha! Going down to eat dinner and cycle!Yayyyy! Had so much fun today! Btw, i aiming 230 for PSLE.:) I want to go Unity, Kranji, BPGH! Express k! Jiayous Shermaine. Decided to settle and study .91 For MT, 70 FOR Maths, 65 FOR SCIENCE , 75 for EL. Okay . Not unreasonable right. Work hard can achieve! Yeahyeahyeah! So ... Starting from Wed Im STUDYING. Kayh. Goodluck! 230! Go Go GO! Btw, Happy 45th Birthday SG! <-- So old liaos. LOLOL. JKJKJK! K. Gtg, BYEBYE!
Hi! Going out with Danielle and Ruqoyah to lot 1 now.x) Go buy things and study. <3 . Hope library got open . If not we'll be going to CCK park to study , and play , x]. HAH! Now on facebook , for fun. Okaeh . Gtg, bye.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yoooo! Third post for the day! :P. Now at Aunt's house, using her laptop . Uhhhh . Just now went shopping lo . Bought a shirt. For fun one. Cous i got loas of shirt.:P. Hahaha! Changed my template to CAREEEEBEARRR! <3 Heh. Just now had dinner at the HAWKER again . -.- This time, really sucks. While i eating, there's a cockroach crawl on my leg. Dam disgusting and ticklish . WTF. Im sooo never gona GO there anymore, if i do, i'll never be puting my legs on the floor. LOL . I hab WORSER phobia of cockroach now. Awwwwww. 2 more weeks for PSLE oral! And soon its Prelim , goodluck Shermaine!x) Tml got tuition. Awwww. Haven do the work . Maybe later gg home do ? LOL. Duno lah . Having holiday now yeahh . Maybe monday going JB. Uhm . Idk . Wed then start school . Kk. Gtg, bye.
Hellos.x). Just came back from Science Centre. So fun there! So long never explore alr. Now changed. Hah! Took quite abit of pics, posted on Fb. Uhm . I wanna go Snow City also! x) But mom said very smelly there. LOL. Cous sweat of ppl? I think so. xp. Later night qoing out too . Same place , shopping.O.O . Now on FB and Texting, uploading pics k . Gtg bath! Bye!
Yos.x). Yesterday went lot 1 with sis. :P Ate at Pizza Hut[Cous she wants] .Saw Fathin there. Wtf. World so small.xP. Den went to Popular and arcade . Bought new pen and correction tape. Hah. So bored. Den went home at 10pm . Now at facebook and watching Unriddle on XinMSN.X) Tonight going out. And doing tuition homework later. School also alot homework. Wtf, LOL. Ok. Nothing le . Bb:)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yoo!:DDD. Just came back from schoool! Oral! :P. Today is MT and ytd is Enqlish one . So hard sias. ): I think i fail . LOL . Wtf. Good luck lo . :P. The oral examiner is Ms Ting and Mr Fish (: And for EL , is Mr Tan and Mdm neo . -__- . Wtfh . LOL . Hope i get full marks for oral.:P Hahaha. Now facebooking . Tmr got National Day Celebration . Till 10am nias. xD Maybe going out with sis tmr . x) . LOL . Idk . Gtg k . Byhbye .

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yooohs! Today got supp till 3.30pm . <: So bored lo. Lols. Den went home . :D Facebook and revise for Prelim Oral tmr. Heh. Tmr oral for EL sias. Jia yous Shermaine . kays. :D Hah . Sis at camp . I at home = PEACE. (: LOL . Heh. Kinda bored now , so i typed this. Gona sleep soon . :P 12am alr. Tmr 12.30pm release class . Maybe i go home den come back school aqain ? Couz oral is at 1.20pm . (; Heh. See first lo . xD. Okok . Now gtq . Buhbyee.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Yooooos!(: Today got tuition sias. Not bored. Heh. Suddenly i love maths and hate science super much . LOLS . Btw, Just watched 'Despicable Me' at lot 1 . Hah. Nice show(: The little girl so cuteeee! <3 OMFG . Hah. Den had dinner at Pizza Hut . Lols. Den went home cous alr 10pm . Packed baq , facebook , watched tv. (: Wtfh lo . Someone login my fb acc and scold people . -.- Sucha idiot . Freakos . Lols . :)) . Omfg . 12am now , tomorrow must wake up early for school! xD. Sian . This coming thu and fri dad on leave, WTF. For what sias . Dont care . Lol. Wed and Thur got oral! Tmr i revise abit first . LOL . Must do well in ORAL . Its the MOST 2nd easy to score one . xP.Jiayous k. PSLE Oral coming soon . 20 + Auq, or 10+ . Lols . I think . LOL . Must revise! Do well for PSLE! Den freedom! Can even absent from school! Yayyy! xDDDD I want PSLE to come and END fast! Muhah . Okeh . Gtg, byebye. :]

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hellos.:)). Going out soon. Going lot 1 to watch movie. Watching Old Cow VS Tender Grass . Cous Milene says her doq inside this show and cous my sis's movie ticket till today only. (Free one) LOL. So sian now. Gota bath soon. Tmr got tuition! Ewww! Lols. xDDD. Eating at lot 1 bah . Tonight still going out. <: Yeahh! Next wk Prelims oral . MothaFucka . Gota revise soon . Maybe Monday . -.-' Sian . Btw, yayy! Monday got 2 periods of PE. Mr Tan owe us . :P. And Mrs Chin coming our class, WTFH . Hope she leaves soon so tht we can hab our PE. Btw still habin muscle pain . Wtf lo . Climb stairs, i look like so retard. LOL. Asshole. Hope monday ok . Hmm . Gtg, Bye!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yo! Yesterday so fun. Went to lot 1 straight after school to watch the movie 'Sorcerer Appretience'. When we reached there alr 12.50pm, so we rushed and we changed our clothes in the toilet den rush in the theatre. LOLS. The movie wasn't so good.. But still enjoy it. Lols. Hhmmm . Played inside the toilet of the theatre for awhile. And Keith did somethinq nice. (: LOLOL. Shhhhh! xD. Den after movie, went to arcade. Played for awhile b4 eat.(: Went to Pizza Hut for lunch. So fun there. Yvette and JieYing played with the CHEESE and CHILLI with their water, LOLOL. So fun! XD. Den when the pizza are served, i put alot of CHEESE onto Yvette's pizza, LOLOL! And so fun. Cous, Yvette got no water to drink, den i let her eat all the cheese . And so , she wanted to drink water so badly, LOLOL! She said she so WANTING to go home n drink water ytd. LOL. X: Den she said when she go home and finish drinking th water, she felt like as if she`s in the heaven . LOLS. So exaggerate. x) .Dhen i also lo . Went home. Btw, went lot 1 with Danielle, Keith, Ruru, Yvette , Jie Ying, Sachi , Lydia , Haw yew(-.-) LOL . :X Heh.

Today school, so BORED.): No PE. Awwww. Ytd did like 20+ Standin broadjump . Now my leq, OMFG. LOL. :P Hardest thing is climb stairs, sit down , stand up and walk and even RUN. LOL.XD Sians. Now so bored, watchinq tv . Anyone entertain me? LOL .X:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Yooo! <3
Yesterday had tuition . :D Actually from 3-5 only . But then cous the PSLE questions, the tuition teacher stay till 6pm . And den she almost forget her iPhone . GAHAHAH ! LOL . So fun >:D. Today got schoool . Got supp till 3.30 . :X. Not BORING. Lols . Uhm , after supp played water with Azura, HAHAHA. She LOSE! FAIL! LOL . Den went home! >:D. Facebook , facebook! :P

Btw, the post on 24 July , i never post, it should be 25 July Sun . -.-

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hey!Hellos! :D . Went to lot 1 yesterday afternoon .:P Hmmmm. Bought a new iPod ......COVER! :P LOL. Den went minitoons .. Bought loads of things there . :P. HAHAHA. Den ate lunch there and den went home arnd 7pm. LOL . At night went out with aunts again . Bored. EVERYTIME same place. -_- . LAWL. Didnt buy anything. Den went to eat dinner. Den drove aunts home den we went home . Dam tired so ytd didnt post this. :P. Today gt tuition . Awww. Sucks. Haven do the homework!:p HAHAH . Doing it later . Hhmmm . School homework oso not done. Shit!LOL . Die ah . :P . :/ Prelims oral coming . 4/5 of Aug . Awww man! PSLE/PRELIMS. -_- Everytinq comes. LOL .:P Ohkay . Its 12pm alr. Gtg facebook ! HAHA. :P

Friday, July 23, 2010

Yo!:D Today school so fun ah! During HMT we do our presentation for the Haiti project. Dam nervous den read alot of words wrong.:|. Lols. HAHAH . Went home at 3.15pm. xD CompCompComp all da way! xD Tml want to go JP with sis, duno she wants anot. Wanna buy new watch! HAHAHA .$100+ ... Supah ex. LOL. So bored. MSN chatting now , HAHAHA. Haven do tuition homework AGAIN.:/ Maybe tml do or sunday den chionq, LOL. School oso alot homework . Teachers are murderer except Miss Go. No MT homework.:/ HAHAAHA.:D Now Gtg. Bye <3

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

HAHAHA . Hello. Im back . :)) Never post these few days cous busy . :) Today schoool was FUN! Racial harmoneh concert [ Kinda boring ] . Then no maths lesson! GAHAHAH . School ends at 12.30opm . Played catchin with Keith , Yvette and Danielle .xD . Had Fun . Spraying water to each other . LOL. Im drenched ._. . Mama la! Keith spray water into my ears. -_- . Now ear so pain . LOL . Tml school got supp . Awwww. T.T . Till 2.30pm . :D. HAHAHA . XD. Okok . Now gtg facebook , byebye ;)))

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hellooos. :))))) . Now at aunt's house. LOL. Just went Bugis with sis and mom . Went this fashion then play game. $50 for 3 limited edition carebears, COOL eh. xDDDD! Lols. Now so bored, waiting to go home and download song in my iPod..Tell u smth. Just now when at Bugis street, i was rushing cous dad said want to go dinner le. Den bugis street loads of ppl mah . Den when people was drinking water, i knocked on the girl and then she almost CHOKE! LOLOLOL!!! Hahahahahas. Coool right, xD. Hmmm , gtg. Aunt nagging again . OLD HAG! LOL. Jk. She's so sarcastic .-.-
Hellos. :) Now downloading games to my iPod. Waiting so long, so post this. Hehes. Going Bugis soon. Play arcade bah.Lols.So bored. Haven do my tuition homework. Tml got tuition,LOL.Die.T_T. Dont care ah,HAHAHA. Now going facebook then go bath le . Byebye. <3333

Friday, July 16, 2010

Helloooos!:D . So bored uh . Today got HMT till 3pm. Quite fun, laughing when people were presenting.Hahahas.xD.Lols.Now then i realise, afterall, its still seventeen!:D. Hahahas. ILWS. <333. Lols. Now watching tv + iPod + Hp + Msn + Facebook.LOL.Still bored,XDDD. Hmmm. Haven do tuition homework, ;D.Maybe tml do, Kk ,gtg . :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hellooos peeps.Didnt go school today cous duwan go the Suntec. -.- Bleah . Just went Yew Tee with sis. So bored now, xD Facebooking , listening to sonqs, teevee. Lols. Now wiping off the scratches from my iPOD. Hahahahas. Tml got school, owhhhh . I duwan!T.T Till 3pm. HMT-.- Lols. Eh GTG. bb

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ehs lols.Hahahas,back to posting,LOL. Someone login my facebook and scold my friends birtches. I changed my pass, my dad changed back.Wtf, NOOB sia.-.- Hate my life,;(
Just came back from schoool. So bored.Alice gave me my birthday 'notebook'. Hmmmm. I duwan Jusandra's one.;D. Hahahas. So bored now, later webcaming with whoever is online,LOL. Ohokay.Byebye.;]

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey peeps!^^ Just finished doing the Haiti Project with MeiYin.BOREDBOREDBORED!): Today got supp till 3.30pm. Something irritated me. Every lesson with Mrs Hanna confirm is Science?! WTH.DIE LA.BORED AH.D: Tmr gt MT supp. xDDDD!Okeh. GTG(: K.Bye;)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hellos, :D. Went lot 1 with Alice,Vanesse,Jusandra and Jody!xD. We went at 4pm -.-. So late ah,LOL. Went library first cous Jody and Alice wanna borrow books.Den went to arcade, took neoprints uh.LOL.Very fun ah.xD. Den decorate, den Vanesse went home,:). Hmm, went 'Kopitiam' SEE Alice and Jody eat,LOL.Hahahas,Den took MRT to Yew Tee.Cous ald 6.30pm.LOL.Went to the stationary shop besides KFC.Bought a belated birthday present for Alice.Saw PeiShi there,LOLS.Jusandra,Jody,YuZhen and Alice still owe me mine!HAHAHAHA.LOL.Den went home ah. Facebook, MSN, Take pics.LOL.Watch Tv,;D. Hmmm, GTG, Tution HW not done,LOL.DEADDEADD!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Helloooos, :D PEACEEE<3 Heheh!YuZhen and Ruru forgived me. Yayyyy! No more wars,LOL.Just came back from Schoool, got supp. BORED.T.T Hmm, tmr got HMT, till 3pm, more worse.Waste time,waste teacher's breathe.LOL,jokes.:D Hehehes. Now chattinq with Danielle, Uhhm, Gtg, K. :D Hid my iPod somewhere, sis cant find, HAHAHHA. Nooooob! LOL.GTG.(:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hellooos.Yay today no supp.(: Few more months, PSLE. So excited.LOLS,Jokes.;D Someone is turning me into a DOG, hahas.Ihateher.Bribing peeps.At least i got my sis staying beside me.Dan and Keith.:O <3333. Awww. 220 above to get a laptop? Thats a condition from my dad? Wtf, too high la. People Yuzhen 200 above iPhone 4G+Ipod Nano. Wth. So suckish.I hate this life. DOGS LIFE! :D Hahahas. Tmr got supp.Zz.Mama la!Waste time only.LOL.Ehs,GTG.(:


Monday, July 5, 2010

Elloooos(: Just came home from lot one with sis.She went work.Along at home now,T.T .Hmmmm, bought a elmo T-Shirt , sis bought carebear one.I want carebearrrr!T.T and bought a nerdy glasses for fun.Muhahahas.Planning to buy the $49.90 carebear someday when i got monehh.LOLS.Homework!Homeworkk!Not done.LOLS.:(Awwwwww.Homework,i hate you.Hmmmm.I better go and do now, bye(: -HOPE DRYS CAN FORGIVE ME- :(

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hellooos.Just came back from CCK Park with Danielle,YuZhen and Jody.We went lot 1 to take neoprints.LOL.When we decorating the pics, we were shouting out loud.Especially Yuzhen.Practicing screaming ar?LOL.Then we go food cultre to eat.LOLS.I poured a cup of peach tea and kena scolded by the aunty.LOL.Dontcare.:P.And den we walk to CCK Park.YuZhen was like singing 'Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah, HEY!'Lols den scream.And she even dance there.LOL.A little rain.We played swing and all.Den when we sitting on the swing, suddenly Danielle jump off or whatever. And i unbalanced and fell. -.- Whole body sand.LOL.Den dam angry.I threw sands to Danielle.And i think got in her eyes.LOL.Den went toilet.Den rain.Walked home from CCK Park.:O.I think Danielle angry withh me.):.Whole body SAND!Even bath ald still SAND! OhMeeGoddddd.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Didnt go school today.Sports carnival .. Go there dance? LOL. Wdhh. People said its bored.Dan/Zheng and me didnt go school :D. Hehehes.So boreddd!Lols.4 days of holidays!Yayyyy!Tmr maybeee going CCK Park+Lot1 with Dan,Ru,Zheng. I hope zheng can go!:D.Hehes.Awwwwwwww.STRESSSED!Prelims 4 more weeks, sure kena nagging sooner or later.Muhahahas.LOOL.Need study sooon.Hope i can get good results this time.(: Practice makes perfect. Nobody is pefect. So, im nobody!LOL.Lame-.-.Ohhkay, GTG(: Bye/

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hi arh!Muhahahaha!o.O.LOLS.Just came back from swimmingg.Took alot underwater pics, posting at facebook soon.(: Today freaking crazyy!LoL.Ms Go says where my ws 10.Den she say print 1 $5, i freaking crazyyy!I went to buy a new boook.Muhahahaha.LOL.$1.8 only.:P.Hehes.Dennnn~ Urmmm.Nothing luh..Fri is sports carnival!Ihateit!:P.Hehes.Today class was boring!T_T.Now watching tv.The news, dam disgusting lar lols. Suddenly say 1 boy head stuck duno where.And den got wad people die and den rot.LOLS.:P.Hehes.Homework noy donE!OMGOMG.Brb(:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hellos,LOL.I also dono why i want to post this.Maybe its out of boringness.Muhahaha.Haven do homework.Got alot.T.T!Now watching tv and facebooking.So bored.T.T!Tml maybe going swimming with sis at 1pm.Friday going shopping with DanRu!:D.Dono wanna go wher.Explore arnd SG?Hahahas.Impossible lar dey.Friday sports carnival..Dancing?!LOL.Wdh.HAHAHA.Hope it goes smoothly.xD.Bored.I go do homework now.Blog next time or even tmr.GTG,bye!;)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Woooahhhh! Just came back from schooool!:D. So bored. Loads of homework.Mamaaa!T.T! But today no supp, i mean this week!Yayyyyy!Bleahs.Facebook all the friends stil at school, slack.LOL. Blahblahblahhhh! Oh ya! Just now recess the water cooler near the toilet leak water and then flood abit. LOLL,:P . So fun !And yesterday wen swimminq wit sis. Maybe goin this fri again with DanRu ? Not confirmed. Muhahaha. Now so bored, BRB homework (:. Ceeeeyaaaa! <3

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hi!:D. Today went to lot 1 with Dan and Ru.:P Firstly, we went to Popular, Dan seeing some CD.Den we went to Mini Toons. Took a long time there searching for our bdae prezzie.Dan and Ru shared money and bought me a Pink CareBear. I bought Dan a iPhone cover..Den we went to Action City.. Dan said wanna domo, want me buy.Lols.Den i said my house have, wanna give her. But sis say sell to me.Rofl.Now kinda bankrupt.LOLS.Den we went to CCK Park.Had a great time there. Went to play with slides, sands and swing. Muhahaha. We did a 3D heart on the sand.LOLS.Coooool!:D. Den we went play swing, LOLS.Dizzy there.Bleahs.Den after awhile, we walked home. Went yew tee to meet sis. LOLS. She dam angry cous i late.:P.Den sat MRT, went to Tiong Bahru to eat 18chefs. The food was like normal, but we can choose our own sauce and ingredient for the pasta.Den we went arcade. Actually wanted to catch a bear that wearing happy birthday tee-shirt.But cant catch.:P. So, we catched small domos. Hehe. Giving it to Dan on mon.Hope she like it uh. Den went home. And, went out again. LOLS. This time is with aunts and parents. Went to Ginza uh. Ate at there.. and den want to aunt's hse. Used her laptop. And den went home. LOL. Heyhey! OH YA! Tmr going swimming with sis. Mom tagging, but mom not swimming ka. LOL. So excited, but NOT FAIR! Sis can buy new swimsuit!ROARRRRRRR!Hahahas. Now gona facebook, den sleep. Gota go! Btw, tmr got tuition at 3pm, new teacher, uh. I hope she's pretty and teach well. BAHAHAHA. Bye(:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Elmoelmo! Muahahaha! Today sooo fun! Went to dandan's condo's swimming poool with Ruru. Hehes. Had dam much fun. We played loads of game in there. And den, Ruru's new learned kungfu, kicking people in water. Muahaha. Den we played searching for items.. At first we threw $1 den Dandan's googels. Hahahas.Den we played monkeyy. Throwing googels. Suddenly threw till my head! LOL, Dandan is soooo short! HAHAHS. No offence.:P.Den went to Dandan's hse ... Faceboook... LOL. And den she give ruru and me eat some phillipines food? MILK sweet? LOLS. Duno whats tht. HAHAHA. Tmr maybe going out with Ruru N Dandan again.:p Gona get dandan a belated bdae prezzzie! ;D Hmmmm. Maybe a mouse(For comp) . MOUSE. Not THE ANIMAL. :P Hahahaas. Dennn. Went hm , :P. Okaehh. Gtg, bye(:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hi ! Didnt blog a few days. Forgotten.LOL. Hehes. Yayyyy! Tmr got study camp! Can see my fwen le! :DD Hahahas.. Meeting Fathin in the morning to go school tgt. xDD. LOL. Tmr school 8-12 ... 4hrs. Hmmmm! Oral baah.Tmr bringin all the books. LOLOL. Heavy bag! :(, hehes. 10pm ley, now i go facebook awhile bah! ;D Buhye

Saturday, June 19, 2010

HEYHEY!Haha!So fun today!Played water with sis in a small pool, like those kids pool. Need blow one. But ours is bigger and doesnt need to BLOW! HAAHA! Took alot of photos.LOL. But its ugly, couz my face full of water.:X. Played like 30 mins. Den dad like.. scolding say we bath so long. LOLOL! Den now like going out ler. Goin BuGis! (: Maybe shopping or watchin movies if not play arcade bahh . Seee 1st! Mom working till night 10pm, duwanna stay at home with dad. So we go out! HAHAHA!So now going le, bye!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

HEYYYYY!HellOs!:D.Hhhm.Nothing much today.Another boring day..Hm what about yesterday?A supaah boring birthday.Haahas.Nothing much.Urmmmm.Last week of holidays le, somemore last 3 days need go school!RAWK!:(.Arghhh!Holiday is too short!But its kind of BORED staying at home....LOL,how i wish i can go to school but there's no class.Grrrr!I will try to make it fun.Left 4 days.URGH! Haiis. Nevermind.STUDYSTUDYSTUDY.PSLEPSLE.Wdh . Psle =>Please stop learning everything.^^.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heyhey,i forget to tell you this,a freaking dam stupid thing. -.-. On sunday, mom went to work.Arnd 2.30pm she left home.Den i was still like so tired so i continued sleeping cous i slept at 6am that morning. Den arnd 3pm + i woke up. I had a terrible stomachache.. And den i called mom. I told her tt and she said postponed the tuition. And so i continue 'resting' till dad came home.Mom didnt told him, so i did. I said so, after that, he said i was lying. Wdh. Den nevermind.Mom den called him.Den mom told him maah, you know wad he said? He said, stomacheache cannot tuition meh?WDF,i really wish he had a terrible stomacheache and see whether he can go work or not.LOL.Den nevermind.He said, if i dont tuition,i cant play comp forever. WDF is this?! Nevermind, i oso wish i can tuition...But .. Its dam pain =.= Like someone pulling my stomache.ROFL.Den when i went to bath, i was like almost faint.ROFL.Supah pain luh.Den after dad gimme eat medicine, i rest awhile den vomit ... ROFL.Mom den came home at 7pm+... Den she said i got fever.She then lemme eat panadol.Den porridge. Didnt eat the whole day. Hmmm. I was like sleeping the whole day.LOL.Den went yew tee. Cous mom said wanna go out.Nobody at home, dad went out awhile to buy something.I dowan ltr he come back den mom haven come back.So i tag along.Mom bought alot things.Hmmm.Den went home after awhile.;)Den slept. At arnd 3am, mom lemme eat medicine, my temperature was 38.7 degree. WOAH. LOL. Den i cant sleep, cous like slept the whole day, so i watched tv awhile till i sleepy.Hmmm, then next day, was feeling a little better bahh. At night went yew tee cous mom said wanna order cake fr my bdae.We went Emi cake shop.I chose 'Pure Addiction' LOLS.Weird name.But the seller says is all choco.Hmm den cous no others alrd, got father's day one and durian cake. But sis dont like durian.So, i chose chocolate one. Okay.Den went Koufu sit awhile seeing mom eat.Den went buy fish fillet for sis and went home. On laptop cous nt so sleepy. Den facebook. Okay. This post is like freaking long -.- Okay.Lemme stop here.:P.BYEBYE!(:
Didnt post for quite some time.LAZY =X. Heyhey, btw, just finished watching Karate Kid. The show is nice(: Everyone must watch!LOL.Actually full house one.But mom booked the tickets online,luckylucky.Hahaas.Then right just now i was giving the ticket usher the ticket while my mom walked in first.Den i didnt see the theatre so i just followed my mom.She went in the wrong theatre,LOL!She went in theatre 3.But they were showing the same movie.Owhh.Hahaas.Den we finished the show at 12am.Den took bus home.Its alrd past 12am,so its 16June, my bdae! HAHAHA! LOL.Sadly,tmr mom need to work..She said she will collect cakes arnd 4-5pm den str8 home..I hope she's early.Hahas.Okay.Its 2.30am alrd, gota go.Bye

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hi!Today didnt go out.. Stayed at home played maple. LOL. Zul is so nub! HAHAHA!=X ..Den facebook. Nothin else... Den hor just now mom said wanna watch the DVD tt she bought ytd ... Den i opened le the tv.. den i go comp room le. Den my FUCKINGZ dad came n call me.. den u know? say why i opened the tv ? den i say is mom wanna watch .. den mom say nvr. WDF is this?! BETRAY?! LOL! =.= SAD LA HOR. SO UNLUCKY.. OPEN FOR HER THEN SAY NEVER CALL ME OPEN DE. =.=!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

HEY Peeeepos... Ytd didnt blog.. cous nothing to write. Hehes. Didnt go Danielle's bdae cous idk :x ROFL. Didnt seee msq... Hehes. Now maplin. Lv70 ler~ ZuuL still 56-57 ;x idk. LOL He said i hack. ROFL~ hahahahas!NUB! LOL. Okay lahs. Den aftnoon went yew tee wit sis lor. She bought dye hair de den we go buy some food. Hmmmm~ Den nothing le. Hahas. Nthin special during holidays. HMM! BYE!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Harlooo!=) You guys is thinking tt i post everyday cous im siao/crazy right?! Hahas! Nope.Its just tt im boring at home.T_T. So i blog lor~ Hehes!Hmmm. Nothing tdy. My notifications in fb are dead. D: One whole day no notifications. T.T! Den play maple lor. ZuuL nbr online.. :DDD. Hahaas. Ytd night got lv . ><. Hmmmm. Not gtg! ;D Lazy type. LOL. Bye!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Arloooo!Peeps.Goinq Lot 1 lerhhx!I post nw or else ltr i forget D:. Haaahas. Today nothing much. Tuition lor. -.-. I kept the answer sheet from a worksheet and i letta tcher mark th paper. She marked, alot wronq. Dam stupidd horr?! Haaahaa!Mom said wanna fire her. IHOPESO. x3. Hehees! Hmmm. Sis wnt chalet a day niaa. Ltr she meeting us at Lot 1! OHSHYT! Mom is callinqqqqqq! Gotaa go! Hahass! Ltr if qot mre thinqs i post bahh. BTW, Maple tdy didnt lv :( Stuck at 57. ZuuL nbr online, HAHAHA! :D . Oh bye! BULLSHYT.
Hahas.. Arlow . ;D.
Wnt shoppinq ehh . Jealous?! Lols.
Bouqht a Tee and den wnt dinnerhh at same kopitiam bahh . ;)
Dad ordered stinqrayy! Woahh! Hahas. HDM! <- HOTDIEME. LOL.
HMMM. Den went to Aunt's hse awhilee nah! Dad tauqht me & sis play mahjonqq. Cous at
Aunt's hse found mahhjonq. Dhen as miie and my sis fwen alot noe hw ply, i ask dad teach lo . :D. Now , i knw hw ply. Euu all cnt look down on me! HAHAHA! Jus jk. (:
Dhen went hm . Dad found our own mahhjonq. Den ply wit sis 2 rnds. She wanna qo slp ler. Den keeeeep lo . XD. Btw, tdy at shoppinq centre bouqht @cash . 30k eh . Jealous eh ? ZuuuL ? Hahas . Tml promise zuul say wanna send him 12k ._. . I dw senddddd! :( . Hope he dont online hahas. Today maple didnt level uppp! I was slackinqq. Goinq all arnd maple , shoppinq n discoverinq. Ahaaha . Den .... recruit peeps to quild ? :D. Dhen nothhinqq else bah ... TOMORROW GOT TUITION. :( IM GONA DIE! I HATE TUITION! TUTION SUCKS! SUCKS! TUITION SUCKS ! I HATE TUITION! TUITION, UUUUUUUUUUU SUCKS! TO THE COREEE! :'( Gtgs. Byeee! :( .

Labels: I hate tuitionn! Hahas!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hye peeps. xD. Today playd maple. Met iyuul aka zul. He's dam noob =X.
Hahas. Begging me for hairstyle coupon. Level 54? Ahaaaha . :3.
Dhen at night maple map kena raid. >< . Dhen nbm. I offline :)
Went facebook instead. Hehes. Went dwn minimart down my hse wit mom just nw.
Bought some groceries ? :x Den came bak home. Play maple aqn. :)
Sadd. Tml mum qota qo staff retreat? Not at home agn :( . Haiis .
Hmm . Now gtg :) Ceeya ! :l

Thursday, June 3, 2010

helloos. Im so lazy to update. =x . Hmmmm. Lemme see. :D. Mum today nvr qo wrk :p. Ermmmmmm. Den . Nightnight went yew tee . x: at home bored mahhs. ate at koufu. den. ermm. nothing luh . went home. just finished fb. ALICE REBORNDED HER HAIR AND ITS SOOOOO CUTE AND LOOK SOOOO MATURED. But.. I like tt :D, hahas. Now gtg :D. Buhbye (:
Hey. Hellos. Today nothing special happened. Nothing. Really! :^(. Hmmmmm! Lemme seee. I played MapleStory den play and play and play and play and play. LOL. Didnt qo out shoppinq. Mom went job interview. She wanna chanqe job bahhs. She said successful. Idk real or not. xD. Denn . Hmmmm. She bouqht some food from yewteeee. Ermmmms. Denn . Nothing luh . :D. Alone at home th whole afternoon. Facebookinq and maple. Uhh . Now gtg (: . Dono ppl sayinq wad Sports Carnival. :x I didnt have anything. Ahaaaha. :D. Now gtg. Really. Buhbye ;D

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hellahh . :). Just came back frm YewTeee. xD. Nothinq much . Ate dinnerh at Kopitiam ... den at PasarMalam bouqht some things lor. Den meet sis at yewtee to go home tgt. :) Now reach hm liaoos. Wanna play mapleee. xD. Go facebook see awhile bahhs. :D Buhbyee!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ellooos . ;D. Just came back home from school. Went Parent Teacher Dialogue with mum mah. LOL. Got a little complaint. LOL. Its from Mr Tan. :x He said whn i angry show him angry face?! I didnt sia -.-' Wtf. His eye something wrong? My expression is only got 1 which is IM Sleeepy! LOL. Yeah. Its true. In morning only. >< . Dhen no homework for maths lor. Eng got 1 ws bahh. Chinese miss go nvr prepare bcous she dont even know i nvr go schooool. CooooL sey. This kinda tcher. Wooohoo . Miss Go abit mad siol. Just now laugh like wad. Like jus came back from China den dam happy? =) LOL. She like and my mother bestie or wad. LOL. Then she ask me she fierce annot, i scared her meh. LOL. She said why i dont talk to her one . bleahx. Cous no conversation to start. Ahhhaaa. And i dont talk to tchers bleahx. Den she say i talk to frens load. Hmmm. True bahh . :x First time see miss go smile so big and so happy ._. LOL. Cooool. In school she dont treat me liddat -.- She act infront of parents? LOL. Except Mr Tan only, he's pernormal. MrsHanna and Miss Go act good siol . >< . At school Miss Go is scold ppl one and then nvr ever smile ==! Hmmm. Okay. Ltr going duno whr. Mum bring me. Buhbye :D
Uhh. Hellooos. =( . Im so dam unlucky .. Just now went Yew Tee mahh . Mum bought me a iTouch cover, Hp protector and cover. Den .. mum decide go Mac. So we follow lor. Den aft tht, we all finish meals, all went out mahs. Den chatting happily bahh ._.
So, mum looking at th scenery on top while chatting with us some interesting topics which i forget. Den i was behind my mum while sis is infront. Suddenly, sis shout 'Get away' in chinese. I was like .. izzit sis's voice? Or wad? LOL. Den mum turned back. A man vomitted. On th floor. And kena my shoes and leg abit. My leg kena more. -.- Wtf and th man clothe's all fine. Den he just walk away. If he say a sorry. I dont mind. Wtf. JUST WALK AWAY? Is he a human or a beast? Fuck siol. I was so dam angry then -.- If he still arnd, I sure throw him my shoes and punch him. -.-. His vomit so smelly and disgusting. Like small pieces of orange thing like carrot. Im so unlucky right?! -.- Den tml is parents teacher dialoge -.- Haiis. Surely kena complain by Tan Thong Howe one la. Ask my partner abt maths qs niaa. He scold -.- WTF is he? BEAST ALSO? Ahhaaaha. [No offence to those who like him]. But i bet its nobody except his wife bah. LOL. He sucks to th limit. I hate him. Hmmm nevermind. Tml can meet miss go liaos. Yayy! Pretty teacher. :D Ahaaaha. Now playing maple. Its 1238am. Ltr maybe 115am sleep. Tml must get rdy by 130pm. Mom come home bring me go school bahh . :x

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Helloooos ! :D Tuition just ended. Just had my lunch. All fish siaa. Dad bought a dam biqqh fish and he told me it was catch one . T.T . Kena tricked. Lols. Btw, tuition sucks ! Th teacher is so daaaam .. Omqosh. She taught me a sec1 kind of ratio.. thinqyy . And dhen she ask me do exercise to practice. >< . I was thinking and thinking and my head grew bigger and bigger. LOL. So hard ==. I don even understand whut she was talking from the start. Bleahx. LOL. Dhen she dam angry, and she got headache for teaching me? All thanks to her, I started to hate maths liaos._. . Now whanna play maple alr . ;D. And then faceebook. :P. Toniqht duno mum wanna qo whr. I think either SunPlaza or JuronqPoint. :D. I hope its JP. (: . Hehes. Now qtq. Buhbai !